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  • It makes movement more problematic. Anyway I'm more concentrated on bones - I've made my own helper system to make char move freely, but cloning objects makes me sad - I couldn't find a good solution for that.

  • ...and it wouldn't benefit the majority of users...

    You think so?

  • Deadeye, that's not a solution: that can cause a lot more obstacles than making platform behaviour interact with physics behaviour. The best way is to make an "interact with physcis" option so the coder can choose whether use it or not.

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  • 1) Will bone behaviour be fixed? There's a prob with a multiplying bone animated objects but I heard one guy posted the bug on tracker already. This prob needs a fix anyway, it's a highest priority question for those who wants to make games with bone animated enemies.

    2) Another question: why don't you create redo function aside of undo?

    3) And the third question: will you make platform behaviour compatible with the physics behaviour? I mean make a "platform behaviour" object(like a character) collide with "physics behaviour" object(like a box).

  • So what's up with TONKS?

  • Wanted to participate in a 1-hour compo but was late: took me 4 hours to create this very small scroller. Maybe I will reveal it into somehing bigger...

    Just navigate the character to his city (green buildings in the end). Cheers!

  • Guys, is it possible to make a trail effect like in Prince of Persia 2, on enemies' eyes? Or like in most 3D medieval action games like Enclave (there are smth like that on swords, hammers, arrows(they leave trails after shooting), axes) ? I've found a solution - make a gradiented square spirte and stick it to the player(or smth else) but that kind of trails is not a good solution: that trail cannot follow the path of the player correctly - it just follows, rotates and changes it's width like in Ashley's fake motion blur. So is there any chance to make a true trail effect?

  • Ah, not working.

  • Aha, I'll try that. Lucid, that cap is close to what I want. Deadeye, your advice is interesting. Ashley, could you make a cap please with key pressing events?

    Well, I decided to put this funny cap: (this character is copyrighted by Android Industries XD)

    Can you make him aim gradually without changing his bone structure?

    EDIT : with arrow keys, people, forgot to mention!

  • Thanks, but that's not a solution. I think Timedelta can help somehow, but how...

  • Sorry man, forgot to add "gradually". Edited first post.

  • 1) Does anyone know how to set an object's angle to a certain degree gradually only with help of "Set Angle" action but no behaviours?

    2) Does anyone know how to make an object deccelerate rotation gradually if no key is pressed (with help of "Rotate" behaviour)?

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