lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello everyone. Still finishing up version B6, but I got around to updating the plugin to test the new .scon format with cocoonjs:


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  • Teaser for Spriter version B6:


  • Hello everyone!

    I'm currently working on my 1st game in construct.I imported scml file in construct and animation is working well.

    Now I would like to make character with destroyable limbs and joint,

    but I have no idea how to do that, and if is it even possible ...

    So my question is - Is there any way to unpin or destroy one of characters sprites (limbs).

    Thank you! <img src="smileys/smiley1.gif" border="0" align="middle">

    Hi max1919. Since all the images are in a group, destroying one, would destroy them all. I think the best way to do 'destruction' would be to have a private variable 'destroyed' defaulted to false, and when it's enabled always hide and disable collisions. In the future we can add features to abstract this and make it more automatic.

    Hey, Lucid, when it comes to Spriter objects 'attached' to another object, I've noticed that the Spriter object still experiences some nasty 'drift' when the object it's attached to is moving, such as with a platform movement. This is actually kind of an issue, and while it's mainly a visual issue, it's still an issue that I'd really like to see fixed.

    Example .capx

    with example above I notice the spriter object does not scale until the playerbox is moved, has anyone else noticed it when spawning a spriter object?

    I'm having a similar problem, I keep seeing a stack of parts when I first spawn my character, as he falls to the floor it rescales and positions correctly but for a brief second I see this mess of parts were the spriter object should be. Anyone have any fixes/workarounds for this?

    I'll look into these as soon as I can. Closing up the next build of Spriter, and then it will be time to update the plugin and at that point, I'll also fix all the bugs. I plan to address the delay when spawning new scml objects as well. This is a problem with the implementation as it stands, but it's a limitation that can be fixed.

    Hi everyone, I haz a question. Sorry if this has already been discussed, I tried to read the whole thread but gave up after a few pages since it's mostly talking about fixing bugs.

    I found about Spriter only recently (well, I have only used construct for a couple of weeks :P), really cool animation tool.

    I'm not a big fan of the paper doll look, so I'm not planning on using it for character animation, I'd rather stay with the old school hand drawn style (however it can be useful to design walk cycles and export as a template to draw over). But I must admit being able to animate sprite with bones and IK has a lot of potential, not just for game makers, but as an animation tool as a whole.

    In fact, that's what I'm more interested in. Coming from the 3d animation industry, the timeline and keyframes is really something I'm very familiar with and that I wish was present in some way in Construct.

    See, I started working on an adventure point-n-click game, this is a long term project, not something I expect to complete in two weeks, coming along nicely and I'd really like to have some cut scenes at some point (if I get to that point). I found some interesting plugins which could be really helpful for that (liteTween, Timeline...), but when I saw spriter, I thought it would be a lot easier to design and animate cut scenes in it than in Construct (don't get me wrong, I love construct).

    So the question is: Has anyone tried that yet? Create some cutscene animation in Spriter without worrying about events, just setting keyframes, import it in Consctruct, put it in it's own layout with nothing else, start the cutscene by simply going to that layout, let it play the animation and once completed, move to the next layout? Would that work?

    You can definitely do this. Also, I'd like to point out that we at BrashMonkey don't like paperdoll animation either. Spriter was designed to not even require bones, and to be flexible enough that you aren't limited by the paper doll look. Our user tombmonkey has some great examples of animation that doesn't look paper dolly at all:

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    <img src="" border="0">

    Also, not quite ready to tip our hand just yet, but some of the upcoming features will provide even more flexibility for organic looking animations

    Hi lucid,

    I'm one of your early adopters =D

    I'm wondering if Spriters is ready to be used for mobile games? and what you have to say about performance?

    If you mean mobile games within C2, the next version will allow json export which should make it work with the cocoonjs. I won't know until the plugin is updated how it goes performance wise, but there's no reason it should be slower than a typical C2 mobile game, and for larger characters it may very well perform better.

    Guys, btw any of you experience any problem when hosting your game to any of the game portals when using Spriter for animation in your game ?

    How about other platforms ? Firefox OS ? Tizen ?

    Some mime issues ?

    Are you having issues tumira?

  • Hello CanGame. CocoonJs Support coming soon. The import process is just dragging the .scml file into the layout.

  • terrablast, please send me the file at, and I'll take a look

  • oh yes. ok. I'll see what I can do for the next release for that as well

  • Hey Jayderyu.   I'm not sure what you mean. Do you mean, to not use separate sprites? It was originally going to be like that, but then Ashley and I agreed that giving the option to add shaders, or control individual sprites was worth the extra effort.

    As for coming soon. I can't give a firm estimate yet, but it would be hard to overstate how big of an update this will be. I won't spoil anything yet, in case I have to cut things back for time, but it should be alot more than just character maps.

  • Happy BDay!

  • That's awesome. Congratulations!

  • Just wanted to share some awesome news.

    We've been talking with Klei Entertainment, creators of Shank and Mark of the Ninja. They're now bundling Spriter with their modding tools for one of their latest games, Don't Starve, allowing modders to create new animated characters.


  • I'll add this in the next update. along with set visible and disable collisions

  • The z-order thing happens because the scml plugin manages the zorder of each sprite, and does what it needs to to keep the relative zorder from Spriter, so this extra sprite is getting pushed out.

    Character Maps will automate the process of part replacement:


    Once the plugin supports character maps, you'll be able to apply and stack these by name. I'm working on completing the next build of Spriter at the moment, and after that's done I'll update the plugin to the latest editor featureset.

    There are other features coming to the plugin that will help with integrating scml objects with the rest of c2's arsenal that will help make things work together alot more naturally

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