lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • just a heads up. ridiculously exciting announcements coming soon

  • make sure you're not minifying the script (I'll look into this, and you may be able to minify in a future version)

  • Glad you figured it out. Please let me know if you have any more issues. Thanks everyone for your patience.

  • Hi everyone. Sorry for the lack of updates. Running behind on the program update, which precedes the plugin update.

    To clear things up, there is only one version of the plugin, which is free. This can be used along with the free version of Spriter to make commercial games without any additional considerations. The plugin is up to date with the full feature set of the free version. The plugin will work with the pro features of Spriter (once it's updated), but those features will be included in the same free plugin.

    To update a file after making changes, delete the scon file from the project, and drag the scml file back into the layout. It should give you a warning about the changes it will make, and confirming should update your project and keep any events that are still relevant.   As squidget said, if you haven't made any changes that require the importer to change any of the sprite objects or their frames, then you can just manually delete the files (scml and scon) from the project pane, and re-import them (in the project pane as well).

  • BAnyBudde, please make sure you're not minifying on export

  • please send me the link. Part of my busy-ness is making sure that it works :)

  • lucid,

    I am currently getting a bug (this bug may have surfaced or been present in a previous version) where when I export the construct 2 project the resulting exported folders create the "Missing Image" holders in place of where my images were. Is there a work around for this or a known fix?


    Edited to add: It works perfectly in Preview Mode in Construct 2.

    Missing Image holders should only appear when a project is loaded into Spriter itself. There are two possibilities. Either, you're saving to a new folder that doesn't contain all of your image files. Or you're loading back your project from the C2 folder. It should never copy over real images if they are already where they're supposed to be. I'm not sure if that helps or not. Let me know.

    lucid - The links for b6 take me to the free version, even though I bought the pro version. How do I upgrade it? And also I never got the extra animations (with the man on the ladder etc.).

    If you don't still have your product key, you can retrieve it here using the email you provided for your purchase. Then in the free version of Spriter, just go to the 'Help' menu and 'Activate Spriter Pro'.   You should just be able to redownload the art packs at the original links to upgrade the animations. Please email us at if you never received the original email, or need us to resend.

    Just a note, lucid, there's some strange object replication stuff, especially with importing the platformer template with the gun - when imported, the object comes with four gun sprites even though they're exactly the same, which is kinda bizarre.

    Edit: Also, the muzzle flash animations are basically worthless unless removed from the rest of the animations into their own file.

    Thanks for letting me know. I'll look into it.

  • Will you be able to let us know when abouts you will have a working version for cocoonjs exports, eagerly awaiting this software and will only purchase the full version when I know the cocoonjs export is available. Also, really like the 2 extra videos you added to your website. Looking really good, this is something Construct 2 really needsCocoonJS export works with the latest versions of Spriter and the plugin


    Any idea when this transition will be smoothed over? Any hints on character maps?Well, last I spoke to Ashley, due to both of our scheduling situations, we decided I should fully update the plugin, and then we'll fully update the c2 import process. So unfortunately, the wait will be a bit longer, but then the plugin will rapidly catch up with the full feature-set in one or two updates rather than piece by piece. I've already begun coding Character Maps in the plugin, and of the remaining features, that is the most time consuming.

    Rather than missing an ETA - I will say that I had to put the plugin on the back burner for the last week or so to finish up Spriter B6 (which is available now for anyone who's not following us on KS or social media:, but now I'm back to actively working on the plugin alongside the main program.

    As far as the transition. The main issue is the scml c2 importer vs the scon plugin. Ashley and I discussed the eventual possibility of changing the importer to use the new format, so the dual file situation can be fixed, and I will bring it up again when I give him the updated plugin to work with for the C2 side stuff. However, last time it was discussed, it didn't sound like a trivial change to switch it over.

    Lastly, despite the delay for new features - if anyone finds any bugs or issues, or needs a small feature like a new expression or condition, don't hesitate, as I can still do smaller updates on the way to the full update with all the pro features.

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  • Hey rex. I meant to come back and edit this post with a "nevermind", it turned out the user was using an older version of the plugin. I copied that to the c2 folder, and it was fixed. Thanks!

  • I'll always keep the most up to date version in this thread in the original post.

  • that should have been fixed in the latest update. If you're still having that problem, please resend me the capx, and spriter project files so I can take a look

  • Easing curves and deformation not work on c2 now?

    Not yet winsonzhong.

    So what is the process for re-importing in this current version? When I drag the .scml or .scon file into Construct 2...

    I should have been more clear. I meant to just re-import the actual Spriter project files:

    <img src="" border="0" />

    Specifically the .scon file. I know this transition period is a bit messy, but the it was necessary to get us this faster, CocoonJS compatible version.

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