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  • luckyrawatlucky I'm not having that issue. With your example projet, just to make sure, I ran it 10 times in a row. Works the same every time. They all start paused until the timer resumes them one by one in sequence. Should I be able to see the bug in this project?

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  • luckyrawatlucky - this should work


    • fixed an additional bug where sometimes scml objects would become invisible after a non-looping animation completed
  • luckyrawatlucky you're right. It was fixed on a reduced version of your sample. Looking into it now.

  • Instances of my plugin won't show up as options when you use Add Child action on it. What do I need to do to make it available there?

    I thought it might have something to do with plugin.js (maybe a new option?). I already have:

    this._info.SetIsResizable(true); this._info.SetIsRotatable(true); this._info.SetSupportedRuntimes(["c2", "c3"]); this._info.SetHasAnimations(true); this._info.SetIsSingleGlobal(false); this._info.SetMustPreDraw(true); this._info.SetCanBeBundled(false); this._info.AddCommonPositionACEs(); this._info.AddCommonAngleACEs(); this._info.AddCommonAppearanceACEs(); this._info.AddCommonZOrderACEs();

    Is anything there incompatible? Is anything missing?

  • 12-14-2020

    • fixed a bug where animations wouldn't start playing automatically when using the Set Animation action
    • fixed a bug where scml objects would become invisible after a non-looping animation completed

    Thanks for your patience on this one guys. Lemme know if you have any more issues.

  • Hi all, I've had this version done for a few days now. Was originally planning to incorporate the fixes for the recent bug reports, but I figured these fixes and the point sampling might be of use to people in the meantime:


    • added support for nearest neighbor sampling (automatic when set in C3 project properties)
    • fixed a bug that caused reimports for projects with collision boxes to crash C3
    • fixed a bug that prevented reimports from removing sprites that were no longer needed if they had a hyphen in their original image filename
  • vurzu, sure, please send it to

  • thanks - I'll look into it. I think the minifier issue I was thinking about may have been something that affected only certain exports.

  • lucid

    How do I place a C3 object in between 2 Spriter object.

    luckyrawatlucky to do that, use the "stop setting layers for sprites" action. I will try to remember to rename that for next build, because it also stops setting the z-order. Unfortunately that also stops the plugin from setting any z-order for any of the sprites, but it's necessary to allow you to insert objects between.

    luckyrawatlucky vurzu - if you can send me a basic project that recreates the issue, I can take a look.

    Telecs - correct. minified scripts cause issues with the Spriter plugin. It's been years since we discovered this, so I don't remember what specifically what caused the issue.

  • - whoops. I got that just before release and I fixed it. I guess I forgot to repackage it afterward. Please try it now.

  • 10-22-2020

    This release is in beta since there are multiple new features, and reimporting specifically is a fairly involved feature. This release relies on new C3 features and will only work with C3 version R221 and above.


    • Added ability to reimport projects, keeping events for objects that still exist
    • Added condition : Compare Second Animation ( thanks


    • Added action : Stop/Resume Setting Sprite and Box Collisions
    • Added action : Stop/Resume Setting Sprite and Box Visibility
    • Added property : blend mode - choose between no premultiplied alpha blend (the usual default), and using whatever is set under the effects blend mode property - using normal blend under the effects mode might solve some rendering issues for some projects. Otherwise, use the default if you're not trying to add a special blend mode.
  • baks - Thanks for the example project.

    I will add something to the next build to let the user choose which blending mode to use (if I choose alpha blend it looks the way you want it to, but there are other issues with that blending mode in other projects). It could be a little while, because I'm halfway through adding the reimport functionality, and I'd like to wrap that up rather than rollback temporarily for this fix.

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