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  • oh wow

    I know I'm incredibly late on this

    but goodness this is so much more user friendly then the cvs

    right click, checkout, paste url


  • I found the workaround I need anyway, but no I meant having hundreds of ai controlled npcs. It would have been really clean and easy to work with to justt be able to Set Control State "jump" or "move right" to control them. I suppose then there's the ten player limit as well. But still, ill put a feature requuest in to be able to assign player numbers at runtime. It seems like the most straightforward way to do local multiplayer

  • I wanted to make a multitude of platform behavior controlled sprites

    and control them by Set Control

  • um...I'm at a total loss with this step thing...

    I really don't get it at all

    am I correct in believing it should be simple to implement something like platform movement, but using only custom movement?

    if this is a ridiculous request, let me know, but

    can someone remake this cap using custom movement so that will behave exactly as platform movement does?

    the speeds and acceleration need not be the same, just the basic way it reacts to input, gravity, and collision

    I really don't get the stepping thing at all, half the time I try and do something it just freezes movement altogether before it hits anything.

    and when it didn't, I could get gravity and horizontal acceleration working, but on collision with the ground it kept jittering into the ground


    ok this works:

    still don't understand the stepping thing

    and if someone knows how this could work just the same without the detector sprite, please let me know

  • no I mean

    if I want platform movement for instance to be controlling a player

    I can't make two instances of the same platform sprite object be controlled by two controllers assigned to two different players

  • quazi reminds me of Bean a little bit

    > "ender's game"?


    One of the greatest books I've ever read!

    hell yeah

    > have you ever read "ender's game"?


    Ender's Game is the only book I ever read completely.

    But I have not been able to get in

    to the next book Speaker for the the Dead.

    Speaker for the Dead is alot more philosophical, I still liked it, not as much as Ender's Game, but it was worth reading to get to the next book, in my opinion

    I'm on the 6th book now, Shadow of the Hegemon

    on book 5 it resets and tells the story from Bean's perspective, really really good stuff.

    anyway, sorry to derail the thread quazi...

    Thumb War, WOOOOOO!!!!

  • trying to make sprite go to 'goalx' and accelerate within the limits of normal platform movement

    can anybody see why this doesn't work (it's all one line, but it's line broken for readability):

    Set Sprite Platform X Component of Motion

    here's an example cap of it not working
    hover the mouse over the blue box to use regular platform controls with the arrow keys
    or click somewhere to watch the sprite move with the algorithm above to where you clicked
  • lucid the slowdown is due to a fix I submitted (SVN revision 153) for a bug where the collision mask did not change when the frame changed with animated sprites. The fix was first in construct 0.99.85.

    Here's the tracker:

    My fix was to recalculate the collision mask every time the frame changed. Before, the collision mask would only be recalculated when a sprite's size or rotation changed.

    If you uncheck "loop" or set "animation speed" to zero for the animations that are only one frame your fps should go back close to what it was.

    tried it

    did both actually to all sprites, as none of them are animated, and it helped, but still didn't solve the problem

  • if I have four copies of the same sprite, I can't assign them each a separate player? (for control purposes)

    am I right on that?

  • awesome as usual quazi

    totally off-topic, but, have you ever read "ender's game"?

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  • this has probably been noted elsewhere, but my current cap has a ludicrous amount of enormous canvases, and it doesn't seem to affect anything, even when I move them around

    however, when I rotate them, it slows things down severely.

    just curious I suppose if this is a known issue, and if it's just because of the way canvases are implemented of if it's a bug

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