lucid's Recent Forum Activity

  • Had an idea the other day for a 'polygon' object - although maybe its already in Construct 1 and I never figured out how to use it? But yeah. A texture stretched between 4 given coordinates.

    on c1, make a sprite,

    on start of layout Set DistortMap Size to 1,1

    then in any event to reshape it, do either set absolute or set relative distortion at




    or 1,1

    for topleft, topright, bottomleft, or bottomright, respectively

  • I realize I'm getting a little ahead here, but basically, I'm curious, I know you've already given loose time estimates on when it might be finished, and the warning they are loose estimates. Lets assume it takes one year to finish the first full version, for simplicities sake with this question. How long would you suppose the next runtime would take to release? Since the initial creation would involve creating the edittime as well, I guess I'm curious what percentage do you estimate of this first version's development time will be just for the runtime itself?

  • thanks, btw, stumbled upon that last program by accident....

    it was called crazytalk

  • put it on the feature tracker, I or one of the other guys'll have a look at it at some point.

    it's one of those features that might not make sense to anyone but the requester. Maybe a more generalized form would be useful, like an option to change the scaling factor. I've wanted to mess around with scaling factor before for other purposes. its not called scaling factor... I would have to look up the name for it, focal length, field of view...something...point is decrease the scaling of distance objects. if it were adjustable you could decrease it to 0 to get your desired effect, but it would be more generally useful. I think it's also related, to zoom. As of now, I think 3d camera zoom is the equivalent of 3d camera trucking, which it shouldn't be, technically. Zoom should just increase the size of the image, and decrease the field of view, whereas actual movement in the z of a camera should do what it does now when you zoom, which changes the perspective relation of objects in your field of view. I haven't tested it in a while though. I could be wrong about the way construct zooms, and possibly the terminology as well

  • why not just use zorder though? just for simplicities sake?

  • .uid

    unique id in the expression list

    is a unique number for each instance of anything on the layout

  • Flashback and Out of this World

    thats what I was going to say.

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  • a little vague on the details, but if I'm understanding you

    it should work like this

    Mouse/Keyboard - On Left Click

    -----Mouse/Keyboard - Shift Key is Down

    ---------------System Create Object "wooden crate" at mousex,mousey

    -----System - Else

    ---------------System Create Object "steel crate" at mousex,mousey

  • so you're using physics then?

    I haven't played the zelda game in question, so do you want them slowly drawn towards you as you hold? if so, what happens when they're right next to you? do they stay stuck there? These are questions I ask for the sake of this question, but also things that construct won't know until you tell it.

    But for starters:


    MouseKeyboard - Left Mouse Button is Down (Not on left mouse click)

    -----Continue to draw the enemy in some way depending on what you need* //assuming the enemy is always hovering in front of you in the direction you're facing: MouseKeyboard - On Left Mouse button released -----Set Force toward Position (hero.x,hero.y) Force: 0 - lerp(minimumforce,maximumforce, clamp(1-(distance(hero.x,hero.y,enemy.x,enemy.y)/maxdistance),0,1))


    if you don't know what lerp does, try this tutorial:

    clamp keeps values within a certain range like clamp(x,min,max) will just give you x right back to you, unless it's lower than min, or higher than max, then it'll just give you min or max.

    so clamp(5,0,100) = 5

    clamp(-5,0,100) = 0

    clamp(999,0,100) = 100

    depending on whether you love math, and whether you understand lerp and clamp, that last part

    [quote:eoriejul] clamp(1-(distance(hero.x,hero.y,enemy.x,enemy.y)/maxdistance),0,1)

    will or won't make sense to you, feel free to ask if it doesn't make sense

  • hey, krush

    this is correct. The object arrays only have pointers to the objects, it doesn't save an actual object. If you were to take a text object and rename it "Sprite", and a "Sprite" was in an array you loaded, it would load that. So, although there are some handy tricks like the Spacial Info Array actions to put all your objects exactly as you left them. Object specific things can't be saved. As far as an update that can change this. I'm not sure it's even possible, but definitely outside the scope of my programming ability. The only thing I can foresee adding to the save ability is private variables, but I don't plan on working in depth on 's' to add new features until after I'm done with my current long term project. Though I will fix bugs.

    That being said, what you're trying to do is actually very simple to pull off. In this example it'll be like you renamed your regular Construct array to ArrayObject, to avoid confusion as you read this

    When you go to save: Say you press F1 to save:


    Mouse Keyboard : On key F1 pressed

    ----S: Create Number Array (or string array if necessary) "MyArraySave"

    ----ArrayObject : For Each Element:

    ----------S.Insert Number : ArrayObject.CurrentValue at "end" of "MyArraySave"


    ----------S.Save Super {""} : Encrypted

    ----------S.Delete Array "MyArraySave"

    And just do the reverse to load it. Load the s super

    for each number in "MyArraySave", add that data to the standard construct array

    and then delete the s array

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