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  • I haven't messed with this at all krush, so i could be way off here, but if you round before multiplying by 100, you're going to limit your answers to 0 and 100 because anything between 0 and 1 will round to 0 or 1 and 0*100=0; 1*100=100

    you might have the order of operations reversed, so it's not




    if arsonidething always returns a value between 0 and 1, the first one would always be 0 or 100

    and the second one would always end up being a whole number between 0 and 100, like 80 or 14 as opposed to 80.5, or 14.6.

    hope that helps

    edit:not trying to 1up you arson . I had already gotten done typing this tho, so

  • if i know I'm going to be working on the event sheet for a while, I just close the property pane, and the layer/animation pane

  • I noticed the Physic still seem a little inaccurate.

    Doesn't seem to bounce right.

    definitely doesn't seem right in that cap, but I think it had more to do with the specific physics settings. depends on what you're going for of course, but I just changed the linear and angular damping from 100 percent, because the lack of momentum was making the bouncing really stiff, but more important was removing "no rotation". the spin of the balls as it hits surfaces goes a long way toward realistic bounce movement.

    if you need it to behave that way, but still look upright the whole time, I'd just an invisible physics sprite, and set the image sprite to it's location every tick

  • ^int


    A good friend of mine asked that I help him create a cover to submit for Nature Physics, a journal for professionals and academics in the field of physics, as his team had contributed one of the papers being published in the issue. The image I wanted to create required an accurate 3d shape, and I'm not at all experienced with 3d software, so using loumu's maze generator plugin, and some 3d math, I converted the dungeon example cap to wrap a maze around a sphere, and put some random red balls along the maze, and the option to activate different layers of images so I could manipulate them in photoshop individually. after i cropped the image generated with the exe, I used photoshop to artificially increase the resolution, and added some blur effects for the majorana fermion particles on the quantum wire network.

  • thanks jamesx

    on another note. holy damn that's alot of examples and tutorials

  • Who cares? I would assume the families of 911 victims care, and most of the people who have family fighting in one of the 80 wars going on loosely related to 911.

    Also, the republicans are going to have a field day with this buried at sea thing. They'll say he's not really dead, and obama did it to get reelected, and pakistan cooperated because they know he's a terrorist

  • wtf? I have to check this out. That's nuts. I personally just think he was an ahole, but to alot of people he was like a symbol of evil and fear. It will be interesting to see if/how this affects public morale

  • Also, for you plugin/Construct developers out hard would it be to add Sprite indexing (i.e. Player[1].speed) to a plugin (I think it is mandatory for multiplayer, unless you can think of another way).

    it would be easier and more flexible to make a 'For Each Player' looping condition that would allow you to autopick everything related to that player at each loop iteration, and an expression as well if you needed it like

    networking.currentplayer (the loop index)

    if for some reason you wanted to access players randomly outside of that loop for other purposes, you could just do something in your cap like

    For Each Player

    ----PlayerSprite pv PlayerNumber= networking.currentplayer

    then use that playernumber pv to help you pick it in unique circumstances that involve more than one player at a time.

    I voted for the basic online thing I would use. I think it should be made as flexible as possible, that way you can find your own way of making dead reckoning, and you can try (in your cap)optimizing differently for a chess game or an action game, etc. Maybe even a few expressions in there to help you figure out when you're trying to push through too much information. As far as the online plugin davo was halfway done with, it did indeed sound almost finished last time I talked to arsonide, but it also sounded like he is insanely busy, and that it's kinda like a pet project on the side of his other 18 plugins he's working on, so plug away if you would. and also, don't hesitate to ask ashley for svn permissions, and see if you could just build off of davo's if you'd like to try that. Even without getting the svn permissions, though, you can still browse the code, and download it, and see if it's something you'd like to work off. you just couldn't commit your changes to be in the next official version.

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  • the Daily Show

    that was awesome. I love that show

  • its the tutorials thread, which is a great idea, including dead links until they get filtered out; i posted asking that he request dead link reports in that same thread at the top.

  • On the picture editor for sprites, there's a weird icon you can click that let's you change the collision mask, so you could have transparent spots still be clickable

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