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  • can anyone else try this, and tell me if it works for them.

    just hold down arrow key and press shift, and see if it let's you jump down through the ground.

  • I apologize. I don't know much about the stability of spritefont, other than that it's definitely unstable when used in certain ways. I think it might have been my first plugin, I was definitely very new to c++. the code was extremely disorganized, and horrifically deformed. And I've also lost said source code, so I can't fix this, and I have no time at the moment to rewrite it. At some point in the future I would like to make a stable spritefont for c1 and c2, but this is not it.

    However, there is some good news. minor says he's used it in many games with no problems whatsoever, and he's written a how-to. Try that before giving up. Also, in all my personal tests I had no problem with spritefont. it could be minor's using it the same way I did.

  • you have version 1.0, or were you one of the ones who got 1.1 to install and not give you problems? I just tried it with my copy and it works. I hold down, and hit jump, and they fall through.

  • Not sure how hard it is to implement though

    for right now, not really possible. there would have to be an official plugin repository somewhere, which there isn't, it's just everybody uploading to wherever

  • definitely definitely a separate non construct native Save action, and also an expression to get any data that will be saved in case you want to integrate it with a different game save system.

    Also, by 2 options, did you mean that the story engine will have both as an option? or that you're trying to decide which now, because I can definitely see how both would be useful

  • ...I believe you won't be able to pick it after the event where it was destroyed is over...'re right in saying that objects are still "pickable" until the end of the tick no matter what...

    Well I was wrong about the pickablility for the remainder of the tick, but you were wrong about me being right about it. So...

    ...glad I could help!

  • Objects are not truly destroyed until the end of each tick. Its somewhat of a design flaw of construct. So, you can still access the location, pv's, etc, for destroyed objects until the end of that event sheet, though I believe you won't be able to pick it after the event where it was destroyed is over

  • Try Construct 3

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  • I tried a little searching about gtx cards having problems with textures on google, and didn't turn up anything yet except isolated instances usually due to cards overheating, so it's still a construct specific issue at this point

  • I've brought it to their attention, should be removed soon. also, just so you know, if you

    download this version

    and then

    download this(1.7MB), and copy it to Construct/Plugins/Runtime/ directory. When it asks, say yes to overwrite the file that's already there. Then your Construct will be at r1.1 (sans installation problems of course).

  • An Indie Gamer should not have to worry about what app he is using to create games.

    an indie developer should have to worry about what app he is using to create games. if there is a tool that is more powerful, or easier to use, or has the features he needs, it matters. even when not using a tool, you should think about what language and apis you should use, and whether to use a 3rd party engine. Maybe someone was arguing for Construct in the wrong area of a forum, or rudely, or whatever, but discussing the merits of a game creation tool is hardly irrelevant to a indie dev community. Also, personally if I was stuck on gamemaker at the moment, and somebody posted in the gamemaker forums how awesome construct was, and I checked it out, maybe even initially just to prove them wrong, I'd probably be very grateful.

  • this is so awesome arsonide. already checked out the example cap. this sets the timeline for the world editor I'm making after my character editor way forward. you've really outdone yourself, this time. perlin used to be my favorite 3rd party plug.

  • sorry about that guys. ashley's laptop is gone again, so it will be a little bit before the rerelease. Anyone who wants to start working again now though, just download this(1.7MB), and copy it to Construct/Plugins/Runtime/ directory. When it asks, say yes to overwrite the file that's already there. Then your Construct will be at r1.1 (sans installation problems of course). Please test out the new physics, and let me know if there are anymore problems.

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