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  • its like a beta engine, its only a try to make a game like geometry wars, i have to change the shoting engine because it shots too fast but i think its a good idea!

    thanks for the comments!

  • I made it some time ago! But i think is

    a good try, with lots of bugs, but a good try!

    Please check it!

    Move with arrows and aim and shot with the mouse


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  • I have improved the engine, now you can select the boxes you want to move.

    With the mouse left button you can select them with a selection box, and then with the right button you can move them.

    When you want to deselect the boxes, you have to press 2

    I have disabled the C button for the gravity because it have troubles.

    Here you have! Please give it a try



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  • i wanted to make like a telekinesis. I want to make like "force" of Star Wars Films, like aiming where you want, but i dont know how to make it. I would appreciate some help. Modify it if you want and upload it.

  • Hi Im new here and i want to show you my physics engine.

    Im spanish, sorry if my english is not very good.

    Plase, watch it!


    PRessing the right button of the mouse, you can control the black boxes

    Presssing Z the boxes come to you

    Presssing X you make a hinge with the mouse and the boxes

    Pressing C , gravity change and boxes go down quickly

    Pressing 0 boxes stop spawning

    Pressing 1 boxes start again to spawn


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Member since 1 Dec, 2008

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