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  • Thanks a million. That saved my day

  • Ok. I have recreated the problem in this file. Turning on looping in the animation jump fixes the stopping of the other animations.

    Forgive the coding, it's the first time I use this program

    And also another strange thing. When scrolling the platforms seem to separate at some times. There are small spaces between them, when the scrolling stops though it goes back to normal. Just noticed that now. I'd be glad if you'd take a look at it. ... ngine5.cap

  • I've just been her for a few days so I'll have to excuse my somehow late affection on that.

  • To clarify. Whenever I use an animation that does not have looping and that animation has played through, all the other looping animations only play the 1st frame of their animation. I have tried to add a play current animation which only seems to repeatedly restart the animation playing to the 1st frame as well, thus creating the exact same problem.

    The only real solution would indeed be to either have 2 animations for jumping. One that changes to the other one at a certain frame, and one with only 1 frame that loops.

    Or as you said to have loads of identical frames after each other.

    However, Ashley said the animation system is getting a fix soon so I guess I'll make an auxillary solution and then fix it when I can:)

  • I am making my own platform engine and am having some trouble with the animation. Seems that all animations must loop. The jumping animation did not loop and when I landed all other animations played only frame 1. If all animations loop this is not a problem. Anyone know a workaround for this?

  • I think I may start to fall in love with Ashley sometime soon. It's indeed great news (continues making game, hum dee dum)

  • I think that an improved, more stable animator with onion skin would very much improve the workflow and as far as my programming knowledge goes onion skin should not be the worst thing to implement. The way it is now it crashes way too often for comfort. But so does most other similar applications. I remember pulling out strands or even entire chunks of hair at mmf 1.5. Though I have the impression that the program is often updated and one can always hope that some of these features are implemented some time in the future.

  • Ahahaha. That made me remember the underpants gnomes ep of south park. Pure awesomeness

  • Thanks It has seemed like a very friendly community from what I have read on the forums.

    The idea is to make it an open game where you unlock skills as you progress and can then access new areas. (double jump, special attacks etc) But I plan on putting strategic beat em up style elements in there as well. How that works is what I am working on now I'll try to upload some more info in this thread when i can.

  • And onion skin for the animation window would be kick ass, and make animation much easier

  • Please correct me if I am wrong on any of the points.

    An option to loop back the animation to a specific frame.

    An option to add new frames in the animation from within the animation window.

    The animation editor seems to crash very often, especially when using the select tools. They don't seem to snap to the pixels of the image before you let go of the mouse and make a selection. I remember this happening in mmf 1.5 back in the days, which were a sure sign that it would soon crash. May be a related kind of problem.

    When you have selected a part of a sprite with a select tool it would be nice to be able to manually rotate it. When I used the rotate tool on top strange and unusual things happened, could not undo.

    The paste clone seems to only work as paste, which makes creating parts for platform games tedious.

    Other than that it seems like a fantastic product. All respect to the creator of it. Now it only needs some kick ass games to be made with it

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  • I'm new here, so,, hello everyone (frantic waving) Thought I'd try this program out.

    I have for a long time planned a dark platform/explorer/action game and started today actually. I hope to get some feedback from the forum on my projects as time goes by.

    Got some of the sprites together. Here's an early screenshot.

    Working on the platform engine now. After that I'll start game design on paper

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Member since 13 Aug, 2008

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