i dont feel like using the delta!!!!!!!
im against the man
no kidding ashley, im just lazy to insert that thingy everywhere
edit:well i actually read your post now and i must say, you are alot like me, **** wise lol. i too try really hard to get things perfect, always thinking it should run perfectly how i invisioned it, and never do something i didnt intend, but after a while you realise that everything doesnt have to be perfect, infact every shouldnt be perfect or else youll spend way to much time trying to keep things perfect while you should be working on the game. games arent good because they have beautiful programming, i cry because of this but its the truth, just like how animators in 3d movies get no props, yet the actors who voice a character get emmys or wtv ugh
you gotta realise that good games are good cause their fun, not cause everthings perfect, world of goo is super fun, but it has lotsa problems and things i would never let fly, but the thing is, thats not what makes it bad or good. a slight animation bump and things like that are annonying to us, but to a player they dont really care, its only the experience which is returned to them which matters. i love over complicating things so their perfect but it always ends up making something fruitless cause it takes to long. i do like how you made this problem simple tho, i would like to see a tut