can't find ya :/ u add me
You nub Newt the time ain't yet
You can do magic in like almost 2 months
Lets do one
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
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Someone move this into finished plugins cuz its a lot easier to find it there for some people like me
It would be great to have simple low poly objects like lets say max 1000 polygons and I'm pretty good in makin uber low poly models so it would be great for me and you could make it small so it doesn't really matter if 100 polygons or 10 000....
*dreams on*
Wohoo i've been waitin for this^^ Now I just have to wait something that allows my mechs to have different sets of weapons without havin zillion events on identifying etc etc
Wow nice 3d stuff
looks funny
Member since 1 Jul, 2008