I'm an 34 years old Norwegian game artist (freelance), looking for an coder to team up with. The reason why I'm only interested in working with another Norwegian is that I prefer to speak Norwegian (skype), and if any serious money where to be made, it would be easier to form a game-company (my dream).
A few more requirements:
-You must be over 18 years old (minors and money don't mix).
-You must like(and be able to create) almost all types of genres.
-You must be able to take and give constructive criticism.
-You must have some examples to show your coding skills.
Hers some of my examples of what I can produce:
<img src="http://shadow-embryo.com/wp-content/uploads/FutureUnits.png" border="0">
<img src="http://shadow-embryo.com/wp-content/uploads/Cave750.png" border="0">
<img src="http://shadow-embryo.com/wp-content/uploads/iso_screen002.png" border="0">
<img src="http://shadow-embryo.com/wp-content/uploads/Dungeon-03.png" border="0">
<img src="http://shadow-embryo.com/wp-content/uploads/Sheeple2.png" border="0">
More can be found in my portfolio:
Contact me via PM or email: tom.klovholtbxo@shadow-embryo.com