My point about gifs was to have a sprite that would NOT lose the timing per frame. IE, not a plug-in to load it into the current sprites, but a new sprite with unique timing per frame.
Also, thats why I mentioned a second GIF, that would me nothing but the alpha data... in other words, a greyscale GIF that is loaded in automatically due to naming convention that would be aplied as the alpha chanel per frame.
Aslo, with flash, I mentioned potentially leaving out the vector part, Flash or tools like the one I had mentioned (Express Animator) can be used to create animations with bitmap images... by giving the seperate bitmap components new position, rotation, and scale (and semitransparency) per key frame.
This could be used to create beautifully animated characters that use very little memory. SEE ODIN SPHERE for ps2.
I alsos mentioned I had contacted the creator of Express animator. One sugestion I had made to him was to create a unique file format for the data.. basically just text file with the needed data for frame timing, x,y coordinates, transforms and such....
Then it would simply be a matter of interprating this data in the construct runtime and doing what it already does well, rendering rotated, transformed bitmaps.