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  • To get the questions use the Ajax plugin to retrieve the questions from a PHP script which itself will query the mysql db using something like

    SELECT question FROM questions ORDER BY RAND() LIMIT 1

    which should get 1 random question, though your probably getting a lote more in one hit and returning a json array to populate an array or something.

  • I am using Phonegap Build to produce final files and I have a few games now all working well on Android with no issues. But when I come to test on windows and ios devices I have no sound. Everything else seems to be working no problems all my ads are displaying, games play well etc. but im pulling my hair out trying to get any sound to work. I am using the latest version available on build which is cli5.2.0

    Anyone else come across this using Phonegap and got it to work?

  • Doh! should have thought of that myself. Thanks.

  • I have a couple of text field on a layout where as default the text is very small. I have it set to auto scale the size as it will be viewed on different size screens so overriding this with an actual css style wont work. Is there a way to set the initial base size the auto scale basis itself on? I could switch auto size off and add my own css style but this then looks daft on small screens as the font isn't scaling in pro with the field.

  • Working fine for me just comment out the in app browser plugin in the config as its not compatible and probably isnt required.

  • Just released my 2nd game on Android, still learning so nothing original yet as this is a modern version of asteroids which has been done 100's of times before. This was one of my favorite arcade games when I was a kid (yes I am that old) so thought it was a good choice to continue learning. Hopefully its not to terrible (well other than the name!). ...

  • Based on the old classic lunar lander this is my very 1st attempt at game.

    The app itself was created using Phonegap Build + the Crosswalk plugin. ... ming.gwell

  • Looking good and hope to see the Steam release soon. Got my vote.

  • ta, that looks more like it. never thought of angling the sprite, doh!

  • Thanks for the suggestions, I think Asomedean's idea may work better than my current setup, it may cause a few other issues but this seems to be the best idea so far. Would be nice if their was a feature to allow you to specify the layer the platform behavior was interacting with so you could swap it around or have single sided collision polygon but will just have to work with what we have.

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  • Thanks for the replies but unfortunately neither of these will work. Phimaka's suggestion would work with a single sprite but as I have multiple sprites potentially moving in different directions at the same time disabling the solid could cause issues.

    Jumpthrough is not an option as that's doing exactly what is says allowing the sprite to jump through a platform which isn't what I am trying to achieve. I have put together a quick example in which you can see the sprites go up the ramp, fall down to the other site and then are stuck between the wall and the ramp but where I would like them to pass back through the ramp going back the other way hit the other wall then go back up the ramp and repeat.

  • I am trying to create a game in which I need the sprites travelling in the direction of a ramp to move up the ramp but if the sprites is travelling in the opposite direction to the ramp they should just pass through the object as if it;s not their. I cant seem to find anyway around this obviously if the ramp is a solid the sprites that all have the platform behavior on them walk up the ramp as i would wish but when traveling from the opposite direction they are hitting the ramp solid instead of passing through as i would wish.

    I have a fudge to get around this where I leave a gap below the ramp big enough for the sprite to pass under and when travelling in the direction of the ramp the sprite jumps up on to it but I was hoping someone may have a better way to do this?

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Member since 5 Mar, 2015

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