Even if scripting worked like copying events as text from CC:
+ Bullet: On collision between Bullet and Enemy
-> Enemy: Subtract Bullet.Value('Damage') from 'Health'
-> Bullet: Destroy
+ Explosion: [negated] Explosion: Is on-screen
-> Explosion: Destroy
+ Function: On function "BulletCasing"
+ System: Shell.Count Lower than 200
-> Player: Spawn object Shell on layer "Map" (image point "4")
-> Shell: Set animation frame to 2
-> Shell: Change motion angle to (Player.Angle - 90) + random(60) - random(60) degrees (limit:360)
-> Shell: Set speed : 200 - random(100) + random(100)
-> Shell: Set 'Age' to 2
-> Shell: Set width to 8
-> Shell: Set height to 3