Would a call for another wrapper fair any better than a native export?
Make their own using Node?
> > You're only comparing the Chromium engine - have you tried Edge and Firefox? They have different v-sync engines. Edge was particularly good IIRC.
> >
> Chromium is the only option we have if we export to pc.
Would a call for another wrapper fair any better than a native export?
Make their own using Node?
Good idea, a dedicated wrapper would probably make a difference even if they never go into making a fully native engine. It might even mean they can make ports of Node exporting to consoles themselves.
I think if they are willing to dig down deep enough into it, there are some performance gains to be had for sure.
eg: Having something designed specifically for use by Construct might even mean they can do some native speed-hacks perhaps? (eg: intercept JavaScript math functions and return the result in some C++ code instead maybe? also for the built-in C2 plugins maybe they can offload that into some C++ code too?) even more useful would be if they had better control over the garbage collection/memory management, but I don't know if Node would enable that.
Events for general game logic should be fast enough even if they are in JavaScript, but things that happen every single frame are going to be a source of jank, especially with the memory management/garbage collection being so bad in HTML5.
Also, here's my results for testing in Firefox and Edge with — 's project and C2 r246 running fullscreen on 1080p monitor with GTX 1070 and i7 6700k:
Firefox: "JANKY" starts at 300/frame, gets awful at 400/frame, with dt reporting anywhere from 25 to 35
Edge: "JANKY" both starts and gets bad at 600/frame, dt hitting 25 to 30. Gets as awful as Firefox at 700/frame
I tried exporting CC to fullscreen and was able to reach 1300/frame before it started saying "JANKY" a lot, and even then it was still pretty smooth/didn't cover the whole screen in Janky