Some small gameplay complaints..
Attacking while jumping hurts both the enemy and the sprite. Leaving this in while increase the game's difficulty.
Movement feels almost imperceptibly off somehow. As if it's a whole frame or two out of sync with my key presses. This causes issues when jumping close the the edges of platforms, often ignoring the jump while the character is still a good two pixels before falling.
Due to instant acceleration of the movement, small adjustments to the player's position are impossible.
As previously mentioned, custom controls should be a priority as soon as Construct allows for it. What I've done in the past, however, is use INI files to reference custom control schemes back in MMF. Don't know if it's possible with Construct.
What I like..
Graphics are tight, colorful, and fun to interact with.
Lego platforms work perfectly for me.
Solid, locked frame rate, even on this p.o.s. laptop.
EDIT: Particle effects are very cool, too.
I cannot reproduce the bugs Vrav pointed out, no matter how hard I try.