A number counter you can show on screen, add to it, subtract from it, etc.
Forgive me if i am being dumb but i can't see a counter object?
Okay thanks, any ideas on next build i need this feature a lot heh.
I think liam's title should be "Soldjah's Toy" ~Sol
I think liam's title should be "Soldjah's Toy"
SOLD do it
Works ok from what i can see
Awesome thanks i need to get my eyes checked lol.
Is there a way to get another layout to show up when one layer is active?
Like say i design one layout to be a sort of popup with options and when the first layer clicks a button this layout appears?
How about **** King" for my rank? lol
Well i think a simple thank you page just shows you know that you appreciate it? Makes donators feel a bit special
I will possibly be donating at the end of this month depending if i get payed properly, if not next month lol (it's why i am asking ).
Just wondering when we donate do we get a special mention anywhere like on a donaters page, a special bade on the forum, a special username colour? Anything like that..may seem lame but every little help towards poking people to donate right?
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Basically i did this:
on start of layer add ".png" as a filter, then i save an image and it saves with no extension, so i don't think the filters actually work?
Member since 30 Nov, 2007