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  • Yeah like for example my code is similar to this:

    1 If private variable "moving" = 1

    Set animation to "walking"

    2 If private variable "moving" <> 1

    Set animation to "Default"

    And all I ever get is default, even when "moving" = 1.

    Am I supposed to set the animation AND play it? cause if I do the same thing happens...

    Hmm I just tried what I put there, if I put a trigger once while true event in it seems to work. FINALLY, perhaps it was constantly playing the animation from frame 1 and before frame 1 was finished it had restarted the animation and my frame 1 of walking was the same as frame 1 default...

    I guess that explains it!

  • Am I the -only- person not able to get anything animated?

    No matter what my conditions are, the only animation I can get sprites to play is the default one.

    Also don't get me started on how clunky the animation editor is, but I'm sure it's getting fixed. I can't delete animations, or preview them, reorder them, copy or paste them (unless I do it frame by frame), also what's the difference between an animation and a sub-animation? In any case, I'm sure this has all been said before so I digress to my original problem..

    Anyone got something to help?

  • yaay!

    Thanks Ashley and anyone else involved!

    That's all <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

  • Ok, it's a little tricky to explain, not to mention I suck at forum examples lol

    For the While loops, it will basically keep looping until whatever condition is in the event along with 'while' doesn't happen anymore.

    For example:

    1 while

    player overlaps obstacle

    • change Y to player.Y - 1

    (or 0.1 if you wanna be super accurate)

    The loop moves the player up a pixel each time through the loop until the player is no longer overlapping the obstacle.

    The other loops like 'For' are a little more interesting and I -think- they require the use of sub-events, although are harder for me to use. Basically instead of the loop repeating until a condition is met, the loop runs a predeterminded amount of times.

    For example:

    1 For "move" = 1 to 10

    2 --(subevent)When Right Arrow is down - player.X = player.x + 1

    The result is what looks like the player moving to the right in increments of 10 pixels when in fact it's moving one pixel at a time

    That's all I learned from playing around with the loops in construct, I'm still working it all out though lol!

    Hope that was helpful

  • lol nevermind, I figured it out <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=";)" title="Wink" />

  • Hi, I'd like a little help with using loops, specifically While loops. I can't for the life of me work out how to structure it or anything... I dunno what has to be a condition or a separate event or anything.

    Any help with loops would be gladly received <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_biggrin.gif" alt=":D" title="Very Happy" />

  • Perhaps I didn't explain myself well enough, you're solution doesn't account for angle, what I want to be able to do was to move the object relative to itself, as in, move the object to ITS left rather than just left on the screen. Anyway come to think of it I could probably just do a cos and sin thing but it'd be easier if it were built in

  • Moving an object relative to itself is something that I used to find really handy when using TGF/MMF. A similar function would be cool in construct, unless there is already one and I haven't found it <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

    By moving an object relative to itself I mean, for example, a character always looks at the mouse, pressing A would make it strafe to it's left regardless of what direction it's facing.

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  • <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />

    I made a little .cap file that tried what you just said, I can email it to you if you want.

    But all that happens is anything in the else event happens ALL the time and the event above it does nothing.

    At least that's what happens on my machine...

  • Wait I think I got it now:

    set x velocity to x velocity + cos(sprite.angle)

    set y velocity to y velocity + sin(sprite.angle)

    i have NO IDEA of the maths behind it but it seems to work fine yay! I just knew it had something to do with sin and cos so I randomly tried things till i got it haha

  • Hi, I'm having a bit of trouble getting else statements to work, as I understand it, they would work similarly to TGF's negate function no?

    for example I have something like:

    If controller is moving, change the character sprite animation to walking


    change character animation to stopped

    Now logically it looks as though it would work, but whenever I try it, all i get is the stopped animation and no walking. EIther I dunno how to use the else statement right or something is wrong <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_sad.gif" alt=":(" title="Sad" />

    Help! lol

  • It would be great to be able to compare physics movement properties, eg: if angular velocity > 10 then ...

    Would add a little more control to some of the functions

    I dunno...

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