deadeye's Recent Forum Activity

  • As for mixing strings and ints... blah blah blah.. You should use explicit string or integer conversion functions to make it work how you want.

    I know, my point on that was that making variables handle multiple types doesn't necessarily make them easier to use. Sure, I don't have to say x% = 12 and x$ = "dog", but the trade-off is I have to keep track of what the type is myself.

    I suppose I could just get into the habit of naming my variables xN and xS to keep from getting a type mismatch.

    As for the array issue, I guess it just seems like saying y = x should be explicitly stating I want to copy array x to array y. Otherwise, I'd just refer to array x. I don't really see any reason why I'd need two different names to refer to the same array, but maybe that will become clear as I continue to work with Python...

  • Okay, there are a few things that are confusing me about Python. Not that I don't understand them, more like "why the hell did they do it that way?"

    For instance:

    >>> x = [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]

    y = x

    > y.sort()

    > x

    [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]


    You want y to equal x, and expect it to be it's own variable from there on. but when you sort y (to put it in numerical order) it affects x too because x and y are just two different names for the same friggin variable. They both point to the same list. WTF? To make y separate from x you have to

    y = x[:]
    to create a duplicate of the list.  So far Python is fairly intuitive, but there are a few little things like this that go against the grain of it.
    Another for-instance: problems arising from non-declarative variable types.  x can equal 12, or x can equal "dog."  Fine.  That makes things easy on the face of it.  I don't have to declare variable types with $ or % or whatever, like in BASIC.  But then you can do weird stuff like this:

    spriteParams = {"x": "45", "y": "80", "active": "yes", "jumping": "no"}

    > if spriteParams["x"] < 50: print spriteParams["x"] + " is less than 50"

    (no result)

    if spriteParams["x"] < "50": print spriteParams["x"] + " is less than 50"

    45 is less than 50

    spriteParams["x"] + "20"


    spriteParams["x"] + 20

    Traceback (most recent call last):

    File "<pyshell#44>", line 1, in <module>

    spriteParams["x"] + 20

    TypeError: cannot concatenate 'str' and 'int' objects


    It's just strange, is all.

  • You mean ... the Creations and Help forums HERE aren't enough?

    Hopefully when Construct takes off, no... this forum won't be enough.

    Thanks for the most pointless forum ever <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_razz.gif" alt=":P" title="Razz" />

    Thanks for the most pointless troll ever.

    Mesothere and SuperV might be jumping the gun a little on making a 3rd party Construct forum, but they're thinking ahead. There are a bunch of different forums and communities for any type of game making software. Each one has it's own particular user base.

    More exposure is always a good thing. If Clickteam only had the CT forums behind them, there wouldn't be nearly as many people making click games. Luckily there's TDC.

    And, unluckily, there's TDC. That's irony for you.

  • Here, look at this:


    Anyway, there are three objects here... a player, a bullet, and the barrier to keep the player from going offscreen.

    We can ignore the barrier.

    Look at the bullet. Check out it's properties. It's set to Bullet Movement. Easy enough, eh?

    Now look at the player. Double-click it. Select Image Points in the Picture Editor. Notice where the "fire" image point is set. Now go back to the layout.

    Select the player again, and look at the Animator Bar tab. Notice that there are two angles for the player, 0 degrees and 180 degrees (right and left). If you select the 180 degrees animation and double-click the frame in the Animator Bar, you will notice that the "fire" Image Point is set up here as well... but it's on the opposite side. This is because we have to compensate for the gravitational field of Jupiter during winter. Or maybe because the player is just facing the other way.

    Now look at the Event Sheet Editor. We have three simple events:

    <img src="">

    The first two orient the player when we press a directional key. This is based off the angles set up in the animator bar.

    The third fires a bullet. The bullet spawns at the player's image point "fire." It automatically orients itself based on the player's angle. There is no need to specifically tell it which way to go, it already knows. It's got a doctorate in physics.

    If you study this example, I'll bet you can figure out how to make your player shoot up, as well. I mean shoot in an upward direction, not take heroin. Winners never use drugs.

  • I am intensely amused by the stupidest things...

    >>> lol = ******

    (lol + 's ') * 5

    'butts butts butts butts butts '


    I guess it goes back to my earliest programming days:

    20 GOTO 10
  • Sweet <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_smile.gif" alt=":)" title="Smile" />

  • I think though, that it should work both ways in construct, so if a ball with no bouncing lands on a floor with bouncyness, the ball still bounces.

    Good point, the bounciness should be averaged between the two colliding objects. I didn't even think of that.

  • When the "detect physics collisions" feature is added (it's on Ash's to-do list) it'll be pretty easy to restrict bounciness for any physics object. Until then, I'd wait patiently.

    Though I agree that a setting for this would be cool. Some kind of "Kinetic absorption" setting, where 0 would equal "absorb no force on impact" for super-bouncy objects, a setting of 50 would be medium bounciness for things like wood or rocks, and a setting of 100 wouldn't bounce at all on impact and basically stick to the ground (or wall/ceiling, in a zero gravity environment), like if you dropped a ball of clay.

  • No, it's not. <img src="{SMILIES_PATH}/icon_wink.gif" alt=":wink:" title="Wink" />

    I was asking Vrav what the name of the project he was working on was...

  • <img src="">

    (Now here's where I get a reply saying "No, no, I meant this" because the question was too ambiguous to decipher correctly.)

  • I've recently started teaching myself Python in anticipation of the upcoming Python support for Construct. I figured if I'm going to be any sort of Construct "power user" I should probably know my way around all the features it has to offer.

    So far I'm liking what I've seen of Python. It seems to be a good language for beginning programmers.

    Just curious if there's anyone else here who's decided to pick up Python for he same reason...

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  • Right now I'm working on an engine for games similar to Flashback, Blackthorne, and (the original) Prince of Persia. As soon as I have it finished I'll be making some documentation for it and releasing it publicly.

    I hope to not only use the engine to make my own Flashback-style games, but hopefully other people will pick it up as well. Flashback is one of my most favorite games of all time, and there definitely needs to be more games like it.

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Member since 11 Nov, 2007

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