Wow. I have to say that I love your idea. I like rythm games, so this will be very interesting project!
Oh, I misunderstood the original poster. :D Well, alpha channel editing would be useful for other purposes, still.
Edit: Ahaha, I double-misread the post. First I got it right, then saw Deadeyes first reply and was like "oh, he asked that" :DD
This is a very frequently reported problem... Tiled backgrounds should be modified so that the gaps don't show.
Btw. Is there a way to rotate tiled backgrounds? And rotate the texture itself? Those would be nice to have.
I guess that editing alpha channel directly (as a greyscale picture) would be useful for this purpose. You could "paint" transparency and opaquency. (<- Is this the right word :D... )
How does it work? I've been experimenting with sound and I don't quite understand the decibel level settings. I set the volume to 0 and I can still hear the sound :? I had to set my volume to -100 to mute it, but that seems a little strange. What exactly is the range for the volume on this thing?
How does it work? I've been experimenting with sound and I don't quite understand the decibel level settings. I set the volume to 0 and I can still hear the sound :?
I had to set my volume to -100 to mute it, but that seems a little strange. What exactly is the range for the volume on this thing?
Decibels are a logaritmic scale work so that minus inifinte means "no sound"... Or that's what I think. I have no clue how it really works in XAudio2, though :P...
Its looking good guys. Drasa, what did you make that tune in?
Yeah, I'll be working with CHAMBER's musics now :)
I experience this glitch too. And it doesn't show up on any dev's comp? Bad luck :D
Wow! I was thinking of making this kind of demo too, but with skewed sprites...
Hello! I got an inspiration of the title "Chamber" and the mood of the game and made a piece of music. (Well, the game itself could be a little darker...) You may use it in the game, if you want to :) (And if needed, I can make it a little longer and loopable)
Edit: Whoops, almost forgot! Here is url:
Maybe effects could be on their own tabs like behaviors are currently? That'd make sense.
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Well I think that basic equalizing would be cool effect, and very useful for mood changes in the background voices/music. If it isn't huge trouble to add, go ahead! At least I would appreciate it :)
Member since 5 Jun, 2007