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  • yep. im a slight dumb dumb. i only needed to make a sprite that i duplicated and resized over the enemy boss area and spawn.

    pick all instances of the sprite that covers the areas

    when spawner is NOT overlapping forbidden spawn(s)

    + when spawner NOT overlapping walls

    + every 5 seconds

    do actions.

    i did this before but without the pick all instances and it didn't work.

    tip. always check over your code in pseudo code and compare. sorry if i wasted anyone's time.

  • iv got a spawner that is suppose to spawn enemies around the boss area(middle) and the starting area(bottom left).

    what ends up happening sometimes is that the spawner with spawn in a wall/column, boss area, or start area.

    iv tries a few fixes but they seem to create other bugs.

    -deleted link, sorry-

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  • hi im planing to make a few games and construt 2 is a great tool i found because its simeler to VB i got the hang of things quickly. im only still a beginner but hopefully ill e able to create a game or 2.

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Member since 25 Feb, 2015

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