I have a problem with AdMob.
My game has 8000 ad requests, but has only responded to 400.
This is my configuration.
I have no idea why it does not show ads
Thanks and sorry for my english
I do not know if this could be done, or something like that.
Thanks and forgive my google english
I try to use the plugin in cocoon, but I do not know where to find the proxy address, and I always get the error when starting.
I'm sorry for my English, I'm Spanish.
Any complete guide to exporting to windows 8.1 phone?
I have tried with visual studio 2013, 2015 and 2017, but I always encounter some error .
thank you very much.
My two creations.
Fight Masters Beat em up classics
LaserCow Adventure, a sonic type platforms
Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.
Can not use visual studio 2017, that was the problem; P
I would like to export my game to windows phone, but I always get this error.
For win10 I do not have that problem.
I'm going to go crazy !!!
Thank you very much
I like it, very worked.
Good luck!
In Fight masters I did all the sprites, in laser-cow I buy many and only 3 months in finishing the game (Now I do not have much free time).
I found the enemies on this page http://opengameart.org, visit it if they need sprites to work faster.
Sorry for my English
I am very proud of this game, more than 1 year working ...
It's a beat up of the classics, but with a different style.
It has 20 levels, 3 characters, many combos, history and voices (voices are only in Spanish, but it has subtitles).
I just hope you like it
PD: sorry for my English
Video: https://youtu.be/st7X5DSxTT4
Dowload: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dospastores.fifree&hl=es
Hello everyone, finally finished my last game!
It is a classic platform in which evil bullfighters have kidnapped the boyfriend of Laser-cow.
I leave a video and the link
Sorry for my English, I'm spanish
Video: https://youtu.be/NDfhBJiQIpg
Dowload: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.dospastores.cow&hl=es
Member since 8 Feb, 2015