No, because now the amount of items used to craft aren't substracted by the amount required by the recipe, but the item to craft is CRAFTED, even, for example, the amount on the inventory is less than required
I did like:
It put it like this: (Sorry if it's hard to read)
The crafting function:
Checking if the item is craftable:
Hi, I was doing my crafting system and wanted to, for example, make a craftable wooden shield that cost 2 wood items to craft. How do I do this?
Here is the cp3 file: dropbox.com/t/oXYL4mnXJG67vgeY
NOTE: I'm using an array that registers the crafts, the crafting mechanic is at HUD>Inventory>Crafting System, and you can test it at the test layout.
I actually wanted something more simple, since I'm using tilemaps.
Hi I'm using the platformer behavior and have 2 parts for the player: one hitbox and an animator, and I wanted to make, for example: if he's on a slope, then his rotation gets aligned. Any ideas to do it?
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Hi, I was doing the settings menu for my game and I wanted to use lists to store the setting chosen, but, as the list can't be more customized, I wanted to simulate the list plugin with sprtites and an array.
I changed to the code below, but it still wrong. On the slots that are on "0", the itemIcon gets spawned, knowing that it doesn't was meant to spawn on empty slots. Also, it still not showing the right items and amount.
Yeah I used this, but the inventory doesn't displays the items on the array
You mean, load by variable or by array?
Hi there, I was ending the inventory system for my 2d platformer. Everything was working fine, except the fact that the inventory wasn't displaying the items that were on the array
here's the cp3 file: drive.google.com/file/d/1rASOf6MunpBQ4swZJ5_BT10fuLKqz0Z-/view
NOTE: the code is at: HUD > Inventory > InventorySetup; And you can test it on the test layout
Member since 2 Jul, 2023