Redturtleee's Recent Forum Activity

  • Making a Visual Novel style game so dialogue has a few variables that are checked every time you click forward in dialogue. Left_Actor_Pose, Right_Actor_Pose, Current_Dialogue_Line, Current_Dialogue_Speaker, etc. and I'll probably add more.

    My current way of setting up all the data for each dialogue scene is that I have a bunch of arrays that all get their values set up when the scene is triggered. Now... that works for small 10 line scene but when you start reaching 40+ lines with 5+ arrays that all need each value and index to be manually typed in. And if you wanna remove 1 line you have to go through every single array index after and change it.

    This is just not it...

    My question is, is there a more manageable way of writing down the data for a dialogue system. I would preferably have some kind of system where you don't have to manually write down the index for each line. So if if you wanna delete 1 line, or add 1 line, all the following lines just adjust their indexes automatically, or are generated as you progress the scene.

    I would also prefer if I could write down all the data need for the current dialogue line in just 1 string and each section getting extracted, something like.


    04,13,"hello world","Sara",shake,still

    I hope this wasn't too much. Thank you for any help.

  • Thanks for for the help!

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  • Thank you! Sorry, I'll try to make that next time.

    I'm gonna look into that plugin. I also got advised on reddit to use tween and have been looking into that. Have it installed but still figuring out how it works. Which one do you think is better for what I'm doing?

  • So I'm making a visual novel and at the beginning and end of dialogue events the character-sprites and UI elements slide off screen with lerp functions. I'm having issues with the lerp function sometimes working perfectly and sometimes just moving the object partially the way. I've managed to fix it this far but this time I'm defeated. I have a number variable (dialogue_animation_end), if = 1, and if the objects are not in their position then lerp... Every other object has the same code and moves to their destination but not the dialogue bubble.

    The weird thing is that when dialogue starts, I have basically the same code (dialogue_animation_start) and it moves correctly.

    I have a few suspicions.

    1. The UI elements are on their own layout with global layers, and because of that, the lerp function does not work the same as the character sprites that are on the played layout.

    2. The Dialogue bubble moves along the Y axis, and therefore do not work the same.

    I'm gonna be honest I don't think these things makes sense but it's all I got at this point.


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Member since 19 May, 2023

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