Redturtleee's Forum Posts

  • 15 posts
  • Thank God. Had the same issue, but this fixed it. Thank you!

  • Nvm. I got it to work.

    Pushing did work but you need to push front, not back. I though pushing back was pushing to a higher value in the array. But counting backwards does go towards 0 so i guess it makes sense. My god, arrays are so unintuitive to me.

  • Sorry it's actually not working. This method always overwrite the first column. I've tried everything I can think of but it just wont accept anything.

    The first solution that seemed obvious to me was to just set the array Y size to +1 first and then just add it to the newly created y row of the array.

    I've tried pushing in the new Y column as well, but that doesn't work either. I'm confused by how complicated manipulating arrays is.

    All I wanna do is:

    1. add new y row

    2. set x values at new y row to the array that is written in the json.

    Why is this so complicated to do?

    Maybe I'm trying to hammer a nail with a screwdriver here. Should I be using using dictionary or something else?

  • Tank you so much! It worked flawlessly. And thanks for giving multiple options as well, I went for 2.

    One question. Why is the "int" required? Are array keys not integers by default?

  • I want the array data at this key

    To be inserted into an array as a new column

    The dimensions are already set correctly

    It adds a new column but all values are set to just 0

    Is the problem that this expression for getting an array is wrong?


    I tried setting a Test_Text with this expression and it just wrote a 0.

  • Nvm! I ran the test before the .json file had been parsed yet. It found the Key now! Thank you so much!

  • Construct accepted the format, thank you, but it's still not finding the Key.

  • {


    [{ "speaker":"xxx", "line":"xxx" },{ "speaker":"xxx", "line":"xxx" },{ "speaker":"xxx", "line":"xxx", "changePose":"laughing" }]


    I wanna ckeck if a path has the key "changepse". What does the path look like in this example?

    I've tried a bunch of ways to type it but Constuct is just not accepting it.


    That's what I'm thinking it would look like.

    This is what I get:


  • Thank you guys for the help! I think that what I really needed to understand was the rules of loadouts. Hearing you guys explain that made the answer to what is most optimal pretty obvious. I guess compromising on some aspect are okay in my case since it's a VN, but I just really hate building on something that I know has a scuffed foundation so I appreciate this a lot.

    I will split things up more and lean over to the family functions. This helped me with some other decisions as well actually... Thank you! ^^

  • I'm making a visual novel and I'm at a crossroad on how to set up the layouts and sprite objects.

    Right now I have, for example, 1 sprite named "background" and multiple layouts for each room, each having the background_sprite object placed out. When you go to a new layout/room, the background_sprite just switch to the frame for that room. It's the same for all my assets with similar functions. 1 door, 1 left_character, 1 right_character, 1 UI_Button, etc. All determined with instance and global variables.

    Now, does that mean that the game has to load every frame of every sprite that exist in the layout? Would it be faster for the game if I split up frames into individual sprites that only exist in the the layout in which they are needed?

    Or is it the opposite? Would compressing it even more be what's faster? (Have 1 layout with everything in it, with as few objects as possible)

    Maybe using the Create/Delete object is fastest? 1 layout and then just create objects when needed and the delete them after.

    What makes the game run the fastest?

    Thank you for any help! :)


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  • Thank you for the tip. I looked around and decided to use json files to write down dialogues. I also decided to just upgrade to construct 3 and remake the project.

  • Making a Visual Novel style game so dialogue has a few variables that are checked every time you click forward in dialogue. Left_Actor_Pose, Right_Actor_Pose, Current_Dialogue_Line, Current_Dialogue_Speaker, etc. and I'll probably add more.

    My current way of setting up all the data for each dialogue scene is that I have a bunch of arrays that all get their values set up when the scene is triggered. Now... that works for small 10 line scene but when you start reaching 40+ lines with 5+ arrays that all need each value and index to be manually typed in. And if you wanna remove 1 line you have to go through every single array index after and change it.

    This is just not it...

    My question is, is there a more manageable way of writing down the data for a dialogue system. I would preferably have some kind of system where you don't have to manually write down the index for each line. So if if you wanna delete 1 line, or add 1 line, all the following lines just adjust their indexes automatically, or are generated as you progress the scene.

    I would also prefer if I could write down all the data need for the current dialogue line in just 1 string and each section getting extracted, something like.


    04,13,"hello world","Sara",shake,still

    I hope this wasn't too much. Thank you for any help.

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  • Thanks for for the help!

  • Thank you! Sorry, I'll try to make that next time.

    I'm gonna look into that plugin. I also got advised on reddit to use tween and have been looking into that. Have it installed but still figuring out how it works. Which one do you think is better for what I'm doing?

  • 15 posts