NiceJared's Recent Forum Activity

  • [attachment=0:1yt1ygq3][/attachment:1yt1ygq3] maybe this worked.. first time for everything

  • I'd love to, but I'm a newbie and actually don't know how to do that, nor am I 100% sure what a capx is lol

  • hmm, doesnt seem to work, maybe I just have a crappy mouse lol, thats ok I think I'll change it to a button press thing, much more reliable. thanks for the reply!

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  • So I have a game where you click on a moving character from right to left, you click it and it moves towards the center blahdy blah, but it takes a lot of clicks to actually get it to work.. I think its because its a moving target, and Ive tried to make the object bigger with invisible width, but it still doesnt click very well.. any ideas on how to make the clicking work better?

    Also, I switched "on object clicked" to on button pressed, and it works great so I think the program just struggles with clicking on moving objects.. hmm

  • nevermind found it, thanks again!

  • thank you so much! I've seen the else event before.. but I cant remember how I got it to appear.. is there something I'm missing?

  • I have a sprite that is constantly moving forward, and I want to click it to stop it, and click it again to make it move again, and I can't get it to work for the life of me! I've been messing with values and boolians and i can't figure it out.. this should be easy

  • hey thanks! thats a good starting point

  • I want to make a standard sneaking game, where enemy's have flashlights and once the player enters their vision you fail, how do I make it so the enemy rotates one way, stops, and rotates the other? I read through the manual but Im still struggling with any kind of custom movement.. definitely not like rpg maker lol!

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Member since 19 Jan, 2015

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