I've been trying to fix this for hours, and I still cannot figure out why it isn't working.
What i'm doing is I have 2 Text objects and AJAX
One of the Text Objects is being given a value from a web address ("1.0.0" is the value)
The other one is being sent the ProjectVersion ("1.0.0" and I change it to test the system)
I'm comparing the ProjectVersion (InstalledVersion.text) to the AJAXValue (CurrentVersion.text)
(yes, I've also tried CompareText on InstalledVersion and tested for CurrentVersion.text, same outcome)
If those are the same, two objects go invisible
If those are different, the same to objects go visible
However... they never go invisible, even if I change the game's versions, it doesn't change and I don't understand why.
Can someone explain why this isn't working?