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  • I know this was already solved, but here's another method anyways.

    You could just add a 'Destroy when outside Layout' behaviour to them. Alternatively, you can add an 'Object is On-Screen' condition to the event line handling the audio for the object.

  • Random Nitpicking: Could you please Alphabetize the list? It would make searching for the correct behaviours much easier for everyone.

    Or you could sort them by category (like 'Movement' stuff here, 'Collision' Stuff there, and whatnot).

    Nonetheless, thanks for this compilation!

  • You can use the 'Compare Time' function, and add it as an extra condition for the 'Every X Seconds' Event.

    This way, you have saved some time and an extra event line.

    Here's a screenshot of what I did in my practice project. What it does is that it does 'Something' every 30 seconds after at least 90 seconds has passed in-game. You'll just have to change the values, and it should work as you intended.

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  • Hello!

    I'm Erin Yumi, 15. I don't have much experience in game development, but a friend of mine managed to get me deep into this. He's not using Construct 2 (like me), but he still helps me out with the basic stuff like logic, proofreading, AI design, and the like. That's in addition to all the encouragements and understanding he showed me even though I fumbled over trivial matters. I was hoping that I could be a better game maker, so that I could show him that his efforts weren't wasted on me. So that's pretty much my reason why I'm here :3

    I hope that I'll eventually fit in with the community here, and I bet that this'll be lots of fun. Byeeeee.

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Member since 12 Jan, 2015

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