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  • I've spent several days testing both issues so I'm not trying to get work done for me.

    I'm making a dungeon crawler and I've imported a Tiled (TMX file) for my Layer_0 background. I've also saved my TMX as an image file (PNG) inside of Tiled and imported that as my background into C2.

    After setting up my hero to run around (which works very good), I run the debug window and the statistics are not that different between the two. However, my hero works much smoother with the PNG background.

    My concern is that since I've only been using C2 for a week, there may be issues down the road that I'm not aware of now in choosing whether to use the Tilemap or the PNG option for all of my maps. Animations, enemy interactions, finding gems and items, etc.. I've already been cutting my sprites out of tilemaps inside of Photoshop to use on the PNG background, versus just using those sprites from the tile map inside of C2 with a TMX map.

    I'm very much concerned about how much smoother things work on a PNG, and the collision checks are less when my hero is not running around on 24x24 tiles.

    I've read the manual section on Tilemaps several times, but I had trouble understanding some of it. So I have been researching this as much as I know how.

    What am I not seeing here? Which would be the better option?

    Thank you in advance.

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  • I tried your file on Firefox 34.0.5 and it works perfect. Good job on the animation, it's nice.

    I also tried it on Chrome version and it worked fine too.

  • Ok. I can do that. I wondered if there was an Action or similar but I guess not. Thank you for your reply!

  • I'm making a dungeon crawler, yes another one of those. I want to have the view that follows my hero to fade out in a circular or square (not particular on shape) fashion a little distance away from him. I have the view focused in on him and it follows him nicely, but I need the fade part.

    I'm lost for how to do this...

  • That's true. You can still program the old way with older programs. I have Lazarus installed and have been working on an old Hangman game I started back in the 90's. Then I have Visual Studio 2013 and work on .net stuff all the time.

    I should have said that programming has sure evolved.

  • I liked Pascal better than the object oriented Delphi. I remember BP6 and the apps I made with that version. Long time ago though. Programming has sure changed a lot since then...

  • Gosh I feel stupid. Thank you, that was it. They were set to Solid. Now the player walks freely through them. Thank you very much!

    C2 is an amazing engine. I've tried so many: Unreal Engine 4, Unity (several versions), C#, C++, Gamemaker Studio, Cocos2d, Xamarin, AGK2, Leadwerks, Clickteam Fusion 2.5, Stencyl, Delphi, C++ Builder, Alice, Allegro, Corona, DarkBasic, FPS Creator, Game Builder Studio, Game Salad, GameStudio, GLBasic, Juice (sound engine), Lazarus (Pascal), Monogame, XNA, Ogre3D, Phaser, PureBasic, Qt, RPGMaker, SDL, SFML, and SharpDX. Construct 2 is the only environment that has amazed me! It's taken me several years of course to try these engines, but none has been so easy and at the same time so full of features as C2.

    Thanks again!

  • ... ame/page-7

    In the above tutorial by Ashley, he used Edge Markers to control the snail from falling off the ends of the platform it was on. These Edge Markers also prevent the Player from moving properly at the ends of the platform.

    What is the best way to keep the snails on the platform, but also let the players move freely without bumping into an invisible object? Is there a better collision detection than a solid (invisible) box at these places? One that the Player would be free to walk past smoothly.

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Member since 2 Jan, 2015

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