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  • Ok, timeout.

    I have never said anything about clicking my own ads or telling someone to do it. Google changed the rating from "Low maturity" to "Medium high", at the same time they said that the app contained "graphic violence" which itself should result in, if I read the rules correctly, a "High maturity" rating. Whether I think that is wrong or not, is not interesting. I just have to abide by their rules whether I understand them or not . However, it will be hard not to receive another standardized threat mail from them since I don't know why THEY have changed the rating to "Medium maturity" when, at least when they themselves say that it contains "graphic violence", should be "High maturity".

    I have received some of the answers I asked for. I would perhaps expect a little more friendly tone in doing so like blackcrypt mentioned, but all people are different, so I just have to live with that I guess. In all, both of you have given me more of your efforts (time to write etc) than I would expect, so I thank you for that.

    I can understand that Google wants to get rid of those automated spam like apps generated by different web based app creation tools. In my case, although having a simple idea for a game, this is not the case (I believe in simple ideas because with more advanced games you won't bring your mobile up in the subway, bus etc for a quick game). The graphics alone have taken some time to create, then the "development" using Construct2 (which I by the way is very impressed by and also by the helpful community here) and on top of that testing the app, getting kids and adults (=my wife ) to review it, getting their opinions on what to alter etc.

    Despite of this, it is a bit worrying if Google will demand "quality". What IS quality? Do they have a set of rules for what "quality" is or is it up to the specific reviewer at Google? This together with "Blocking unknown sources" in the Android OS, is to me quite disturbing, yet I can do nothing about it. I can just conclude that it's time for the authorities to have a look at how companies act. Hmmm... This is EXACTLY what the EU is doing.

    No matter what, this is completely another discussion.

    Thank you for your thoughts and your input.

  • Thanks! (I did read the rating classification)

    It's just hard for anyone outside of the USA to even imagine that kids would go out and kill anyone based on a simple splat game. Then again, I live in a country where police officers rarely fire their guns during their whole carreer, unlike in the US where the police officers' guns perhaps even get worn out.

    It's also strange to see e.g. tank games where missiles are shot between tanks and yet this is approved with the lowest possible rating.

    Again, thanks for your input.

  • So, finally I uploaded my first app to Google Play yesterday. AdMob, Analytics etc is ready to go. The game is a very simple game that is about reaction time by splatting as many worms as possible as fast as possible. These cartoon style worms lives in your garden and your mission is to defend the vegetables in the garden. After a while, moles start to show up along with the worms. Those moles are not to be splatted, if you do splat them you will get a penalty.

    Ok, so far so good. I read about the Google play maturity levels and I found that since this app show an artificial blood splat, that is, some cartoonish violence I didn't set it to no maturity, instead I set it to the second lowest level, where it according to the set rules should be. So what happens? Google decides to set the maturity level to "Medium high" due to the logo, which is a creepy carrot and I got a standardized threat that if this happens again they will ... and that they track everything.

    I don't know if I should laugh or cry and initially I thought of re-branding the whole thing since I have another two games coming out really soon, but then I realized that I of course should ask you guys/gals here. You probably know the answer to this:

    In what way do the Google Play maturity levels affects downloads? Will it prohibit the youngest kids from downloading this free app if the maturity level is set to "Medium High"? Are there anything else to consider related to the maturity level classification? Will it affect AdMob ads?

    Should I re-brand it?

    Thank you!

  • OMG, finally solved. It was a type casting issue.

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  • I am trying to save a highscore, a hit rate and an average time using WebStorage, but for some reason it doesn't work. I have tried everything and the variables that control this in the attached image, are set to what is needed. Still doesn't work. Any idea?

    Where do I find these values on disk in a Windows system?


  • I am trying to learn how to use this platform and in doing so I have created a game with the goal of letting the player hit as many objects on the display as possible as they show up on the screen. As time goes by, more and more concurrent objects are shown on the screen. They are all created using "Create Object <object>" at a random position on the screen.

    Everything works fine, well, everything except for one thing: When an object is hit, not only that object is destroyed, but also all other objects of that type visible on the screen during that specific time.

    How do I avoid this? Is it possible to destroy an instance rather than an object, e.g. "Destroy this" or "Destroy self", in any way? If not, how do I fix this problem?

    Thank you!

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Member since 1 Jan, 2015

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