How do I make it when a object is clicked 2 times it will create 2 of the same object?
Is there a way without making it global or having another instance of it? Is there a way to just maybe teleport the sprite or maybe make a new instance of the sprite?
Lets say I have a object in layout 2 and when this object is clicked I want it to be teleported to layout 1? How would I do that?
Ok! Thanks!
Thanks so much it works! : D What does the percent mean in at the end though for the code? Im just curious so I can understand it better.
I mean when its at 1 when clicked again it goes back 0.
Is there a way for it to loop so when it goes to frame 1 it goes back to frame 0?
How do I make it when a object clicked it will go to the next frame?
Just a question made out of curiosity.
Ok thanks!
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How do I make it so if the player is holding one object and then collects another object, the object doesn't overlap and just stays static, until the player stops holding the other object.
Tried this but I must of done something else wrong. Since its not working sadly.
Member since 26 Feb, 2023