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  • Wo ist den das zu finden in den Tutorials ,gibts einen Link dazu?


  • Hi There .

    Can we use Audio files for Questions and Answers Like in "You don´t know Jack" ?

    Search Youtube if you don´t know "You don´t know Jack"


  • THX. Eisenhans

    But same Problem it works on the s3 phone but not in the tab a and tab 3.

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  • All Device (incl.Iphone) was tested with Chrome Browser .

    No APK test.

    i tested the Tab 4 and the Tab 3 device with an game example from Cyberix3d with tilt build in.and it works.

    No html tilt browsergame found yet.


  • thx

    Test on Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and Iphone 5 =Works!

    Test on Samsung Galaxy Tab 3 = Not Working

    Testet with Tilt/Mazegames from Google Store all Device working.

    Must be a bug in Construct 2 .

  • Hi There.

    On this Tutorial


    i tested it with Samsung Galaxy S3 phone and Samsung Galaxy Tab A .

    It works on the Phone but not on the Tab A.

    So maybe someone have a Idea why ?


  • ah ok thx ,i have to test this.

  • Hi there.

    I´m planing a little trivia app ,every layout has one Question and the Answers .

    Layout will be loading randomly ,but how can i check if a Layout was allready loaded .

    is there a (maybe) simple way to chekc this (write into a Variable )?

    Main goal is a trivia app like "You don´t Know Jack" maybe someone know this funny Trivia Game.

    I found Tutorials where they use Array´s for the Q and A but i Don´t know how to use Array´s for loading and playing soundfiles --Question as Text and Soundfile .

    Hope Someone understand what i mean and can help.


    Sorry for the bad english i´, from Germany.

  • 5 points .it´s hard to play.Stops after 5 Retry´s .testet on a Samsung Galaxy s3 with Android 5 Cyanogenmod .

  • hmm hatte ich befürchtet,naja war halt eine Idee.


    aber gut zu wissen das es noch jemand gibt der deutsch spricht.

  • oh wie das ich nicht alleine bin als

    Naja hatte ich mir schon gedacht das das nicht geht ,aber fragen kostet ja nix.

    Reinpacken ,das würde Spiel dann doch eher riesig machen.vor allem weil das mit Soundfiles vorhatte,und davon braucht der spieler eigentlich nur einen den er kaufen kann.Deswegen das runterladen vom server.

    geht das überhaupt etwas runter zu laden vom server ,also soundfiles und Grafiken? und im spiel dann zu ersetzten.

    leider kann ich das nicht übersetzten

  • Hi Folks.

    Is there a way oder Tutorial for InApp Purchase with Download Content?

    Let me Explain:

    In Game i have a list and the Player choose one thing from the list ,pay for it and then i want that this thing downloaded from a Server.

    Hope you understand what i mean ,English is not my native Language .I´m from Germany)

    thx for help

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Member since 21 Dec, 2014

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