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    Thank you, it's fixed my issue with the death event but the health items for some reason won't increase it, even though I changed it to on collision add 1 to lives instead of calling a function...

    EDIT: Nevermind! I realized I had a function for a "health" family, to enable particle effects and sound on picking up any health piece, and putting add 1 to lives there fixed my issue. Thanks (:

  • For example, my idea is that when the player picks up a page item on the game level, they can go the page layout/menu, which if the page was picked up, would enable a button, that when clicked will bring up a problem for them to solve. This is meant to happen with 5 pages, so 5 buttons should be enabled.

    I was using a global (and tried an instance variable as well), where on collision with the page item, add 1 to the variable, then if the variable is equal to 1, enable button 1, if it's 2, enable button 2 and so on.

    My problem is this isn't working, the buttons don't change their state at all for me. Is there any way to do this? This (and the sprite question I asked) are the current only serious problems I'm having with my development.

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  • I'm currently creating a platforming game, where when the player takes a hit or falls outside the layout, 1 is subtracted from the instance variable lives, of the player, and then I call a function so that if lives = 3, set it to the full heart, 2, set it to one quarter taken away, as such:

    I had the code to subtract from and add to the instance variable when there's a collision with the related object (I tried having the subtract/add 1 to the lives variable within the functions themselves, but that didn't work either for me)

    Similar I have a gainLives method, that on collision with a heart pick up, add 1 to the players lives, and do the same with the animation.

    But the problem is, it's quite random when it decided to follow these. The player will walk into a enemy, and flash like they took damage, but the health won't change, they'll walk into the enemy again, and it'll go down by one. The same happens when picking up health. I was wondering if it would be better to use global variables instead, or if there's a different solution I don't know off (I've only found Construct recently as it's the program I need to use for an assignment).

    Any help is greatly appreciated

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Member since 12 Dec, 2014

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