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  • Anyone has this capx? Links are not working T_T

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  • Hi, my english is not the best so bear with me.

    First my game is made to be played on portrait and im trying to change screen orientation to landscape when i touch a button.

    Im doing this to show rewarded videos from chartboost in landscape mode instead of portrait, resulting in the video to fill the entire screen without the huge black bars that appear when you try to watch the video in portrait.

    This is exactly what im trying to copy:

    The game from the example is locked on portrait but when you press the video button, the screen rotates so the video can be seen on landscape. After the video ends the screen rotates again to portrait.

    My project settings:

    By the way i use CocoonJS to compile my games and of course i also use their navigator (Canvas+)

    If anyone can give me some help, it would be greatly appreciated.


  • Thanks, but im currently doing mobile apps with C2. So i guess i will have to wait for the cordova firebase plugin to implement a reward system on all my games T_T

    Do you use the reward system with TimeAwayL on your games?

  • Amazing as always!

    Im pretty new to construct 2 and your templates helped me a LOT!

    I have like 3 of them and i also have 2 of your games

    Im currently waiting for the update on the Reward System with Firebase (or any other network service).

    Do you have any plans to make it?


  • Thanks for the help

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  • Im currently developing for android and ios, that happens also on mobile?

  • Well the title says all, are localstorage keys unique for every game? I mean if you save some data to the localstorage key "Score" for example and in another project you do the same because you just copy paste the code from one project to another.


    Game 1 Localstorage key name "Score"

    Game 2 Localstorage key name "Score"

    If i save something in game 2 is this gonna overwrite the value of the game 1 localstorage key? Or every game has his unique "Score" key?

  • Hi, i been searching on the forum and on google but i cant find a tutorial or a guide that is update, everything is kinda old.

    This are the steps that im following:

    1- Export my construct 2 project as Cordova.

    2- When the export is completed, i make a zip file of the folder that i choose when exporting.

    3- I grab that zip file and put it into my phone

    4- I open the CocoonJS Launcher on my phone and i search for the zip file.

    5- I open the zip file and select Canvas+ as Webview Engine.

    6- I get a black screen with the following error :

    Sorry for my bad english im not a native speaker, i hope that someone can help me. Thanks

  • After a lot of trys i ended up with this code: Browser (execute javascript): "'market://details?id=applink', '_system');"

    And is finally working i have to put this '_system' at the end because a weird bug happens when you try to go back from the playstore to the game.

    I hope that someone finds this usefull.

    Thanks for the help

  • Hi im kinda new to programming and also construct 2.

    Im trying to build a "rate this game" button for my game so people can leave reviews on the playstore.

    How can i do this? I searched in the forum and also in the tutorials section but i didnt find anything about this topic.

    I already post this question on the beginner's section but no one answered.


  • Anyone??

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Member since 9 Dec, 2014

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