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  • Thank you for the info! Might I ask an additional question? I watch this TUT

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    I've finished the entire thing I believe. Here's the issue. When I push my attack key I start my animation but once my animation is finished I don't go back to idle animation he stays at the final attack animation as I have 4 animations in the 1 Attack key.

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  • First my name is Michael, nice to meet everyone. I'm looking to request help to understand, how can I flip this image like, imagine you're peering down at your phone and, you push down the middle of the phone, towards the edge. Then flip it. I want to simulate this image to flip with physics just like how I explained with the phone. I also want to create the illusion that, the picture is coming closer by expanding in size and, then falling away reducing in size. Thanks for the help.

    TLDR: Image needs two sides,like a playing card. flip-able,physics,expand/reduce in size during flip.

  • Been planning to buy for years. Today is the day. Hello All.

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Member since 7 Dec, 2014

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