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  • Yeah that's what i was going for. Thanks!

  • Yeah, but then they just grow no matter what, not just when they approach the bottom of the layout. Unless im missing something? How do i do this with regard to the Y co-ordinate?

  • Thanks, it did help! Really cool website btw. Ill be following what you're doing for sure.

  • I need a sprite to get bigger as it gets closer to the bottom of the layout, simulating a car driving towards you from the horizon. Sort of a 3d illusion.

    I've tried some stuff, but its clearly wrong lol.

    Every .1 seconds --> set pos to Enemy.y

    pos < Enemy.y --> set size to (Enemy.Width + 1, Enemy.Height + 1)

    This works somewhat, but they don't ever stop growing really, and they grow at a bad rate. Its just not right lol. I'm sure there is a simple way to do this, or some math to apply. Any suggestions?


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  • I am in the Army, and in an effort to help our new privates learn our specific job, im making a game like trivia crack, but with topics and questions relating to what we do. This would be an alternative to just endlessly reading field manuals. My question is, how do i pull up a random question after the topic is selected? and how to i create a database of questions that can be randomly selected, and continually updated?

    Any responses are appreciated, and any help is welcome. For us field artillery guys, the more we know, the more lives we can save!


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Member since 26 Nov, 2014

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