partyfriend's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello,

    Im trying to get my Real time strategy kind of game working, but im Stuck at the attack part.

    in general:

    I have a family called MOVABLE, and it contains various variables like Speed, Faction, Health

    I'm Planning to have more subclasses as sprites that will determine if the unit is a archer / soldier / mage / 3headed Unicorn.. whatsoever

    Here is where im Stuck:

    When a unit from the movable family is in range of another unit from the moveable family with another faction it should automaticle initiate the attack by setting a target position into the Enemy (just coordinates).

    The thing is when i write :


    i cant figure out how to distinguish between the two units and read out the faction of the other movable :O

    i hope you guys understand my problem and can help me to find a way to fix it.

    love Partyfriend

  • great idea

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  • Hey guys,

    im pretty confused about the different layers in Construct 2, ive kind of got it right in my project but am stuck now...

    I've experimented with some shadows and stuff and basicly what i need to know now is how to cut out a part of an Sprite with the shape of another Sprite.

    Like Here:

    http:// puu . sh/d40xZ/2d4c351406.jpg

    (sorry i haven't enouth rep for now)

    The black thingy should be transparent and should erase the part of the white thingy... you know what i mean?

    Where the black square is right now there should be the blank background :/

    thanks 4 your help


    PS; sry for my bad english/spelling im not a native speaker

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Member since 24 Nov, 2014

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