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  • after SPAWN OBJECT set the angle manually to the spawned object , and you can make it random by using random(value1, value2) or choose from different angle choose(value1,value2,valueN) and it will set the spawned to object to the direction you want.

    Ok, I will try that. Is there a certain format it has to be in. I cant seem to make the "angle" variable work.

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  • I have been trying to find out how I can work this in the Game Screen Sheet. I am making a Galaga type shooter and after so many kills the player gets, a boss unit will come down to shoot out little pawn-like units in random directions, not necessarily at the player but I don't think there is a way to spawn something in a direction different than the direction the first sprite is facing. Thanks

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Member since 23 Nov, 2014

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