Overall this game is good it has a variety of game play styles and dose them all well it also the controls are very responsive this is good because if they went responsive the player could get angry as they feel like they lost control and died for no fault of there own . The game uses a wide range of different music and chooses good songs that are pleasant to listen to. On the other hand the game is hard and you die very easily as a result of that it gets repetitive because when u die u have to start from the beginning also its easy to die as the hitboxes don’t match the objects some times and this can lead to unfair deaths and people could want to stop playing.
I love this game its story so rich its gameplay so innovative the worlds law so full you could spend years playing this and not get bored this game could 100% win game of the year i love this games world and its characters so much i cant wait for the next game to come out <3
Member since 19 Oct, 2022