ViniciusKaian's Recent Forum Activity

  • What I'm using for an upcoming project is the for each (ordered). I put each object that needs to be stacked in a container with its "shadow," which always stays at the floor level. Then I put these shadows in a family, let's call it "Stackers." Then, I use...

    System: For Each Stackers order by Stackers.Y ascending => Stackers: Move to top of layer

    and then move each object to above its shadow (e.g. move the player above the player shadow, move a wall on top of its footprint...)

    This might not work if you have more than one floor level. If you do have multiple floor levels, please tell me; I would like to find out how.

    Can you send me a "capx" file with this working?

  • use"move to bottom" and "move to top" actions inside z order. Or "move to layer" if they are in different layers

    But what are the conditions to make this work? The "x" position of the character?

  • So guys, I am making a castle crashers like game, this is like a 2.5D game where the character goes left and right as if he was going back and front and he goes up and down as if it was left and right.

    My issue is, I need to make the character go behind OR above the same object, if the character is further back in the layout he will pass behind the object, if the object is further in the layout, the character will go above the object.

    Help me please!

    Here is a picture to demonstrate what I need:

  • I'm certain there's smarter ways to do this, but here's an approach I'd try:

    - When jump button is pressed, start a counter from 0 to max height. With each increase, increase height of the character.

    - Once max height is reached, turn the whole thing around with variable toggle so the number is decreased with each step. - When the counter is back at zero, the jump is over.

    - You can also use the current value of the height counter to make sure characters only can hit each other when they're of similar jumping height.

    Would you make this in a project, upload it and send me the link please?

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  • So, I am making a game where the player can change the background music, I already have them imported into construct and I want to make in the HUD, a display, it shows the buttons (play, skip, stop, etc...) and I want this to have a display where the name of the music appears, kinda like in Need for Speed when the music track changed and the name of the music, artist, album etc, appeared

  • 2.5 D ?

    Can`t u use [Platform >> Jump} ?? > No, if I use platform, it can't be 2.5D

  • So, I am making a game in the Castle Crashers style, and I need to know how to make the character jump, using the platform behaviour will make no good, because the movement is a 2.5D like.

  • So, I am making a top-down view game and I have programmed the enemies to make a vertical sine movement, but he is always "looking" at the same direction, I want to know how to make the enemies look at the direction they are walking towards to.

  • I can't open your capx right now, but you could use the clamp() expression to set the menu's position when dragging and on drop.

    What do you mean "clamp expression"? Never heard of it.

  • Hey! Its me again!

    So, I am having some troubles on a "shop menu" programming.

    What I want, is that this shop menu is able to be dragged to show more itens that were "hidden" outside the layout, and it worked. BUT how do I set a boundarie, so the player won't be able to take the menu out of the layout.

    Here a project were I put a backgrouns and some "buttons" and they show what I did so far. ""

    Waiting for your help buddies!

  • Ok what about you make a variable, and name it "Day" then you would do If "Day" = False > Then wait X Seconds> then set "Day" to true

    It worked! Thanks bro!

  • Well, during 10 minutes, the game will be at day time, after that, 5 minutes of night time and so on, during the night, the behaviour of some elements are going to change, some things will only work at night and other won't.

    If you need any more detail, ask me bellow and I will help you.

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Member since 8 Nov, 2014

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