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  • Ok, it's better with PhoneGap

    Thank you!

  • Aphrodite Ashley Thank you guys!

    I'm sad for Ejecta. It was really easy to build iOS games with it...

    So, WebView+. Is there a tutorial to explain how to do?

    I will take a look to PhoneGap too. I don't know why, I'm not confortable with it.

  • Hi everybody,

    I'm making a simple game (WIP) that you can try here:



    Controls: Keyboard arrows - Left/Right to move, Up to shoot a fireball, Down to smash the cars


    I would like to build a native iOS App but when I do it with Ejecta, everything is very slow...

    From my previous URL, in Safari, it works pretty well.

    I tested my game on iPad Air, iOS 8.2

    This game don't use physics engine. The animations are made with Spriter.

    I'm a beginner so my code is probably not super optimised...

  • Animation update!

    * Idle

    * Fireball

    * Smash



    Controls: Keyboard arrows - Left/Right to move, Up to shoot a fireball, Down to smash the cars


    Don't be shy and give me feedbacks!

  • hundredfold about 2 days I think.

    Now the character can move (as Game&Watch style), shoot fireballs, smash cars (without animation for now).

    There is a score and combos system.

    The game spawns cars and planes (the blue boxes) over 3 lines from the left and right borders of the screen.

    The next big step for me is to create a better spawn system to send randomly fast cars, slow cars, shooting cars and planes, etc. But I don't know the best way to do this. I need to ensure that the cars and planes don't go across themselves or overlap...

    If you have any idea, let me know!



    Controls: Keyboard arrows - Left/Right to move, Up to shoot a fireball, Down to smash the cars


    And here are some doodles:

  • Hi everybody!

    I'm beginner with Construct 2 and here is my first project. I would like to release the game on iOS and maybe Android.

    Dino Destructor (working title)

    You control a kind of Godzilla and you smash cars and destroy planes before they kill you!

    Simple gameplay for a first project to give me the chance to finish it ^^



    Controls: Keyboard arrows - Left/Right to move, Up to shoot a fireball, Down to smash the cars


    First prototype's screenshot!

  • Try Construct 3

    Develop games in your browser. Powerful, performant & highly capable.

    Try Now Construct 3 users don't see these ads
  • lucid It works on iPad Air

  • Oops, you "basictest.capx" is saved with a Construct 2 186.2 version and I can't open it.

    The latest version available here is 184... :/

    If anyone has the chance to test Spriter system for an iOS native game, let me know

  • Hi!

    Spriter seems to be a powerfu tool!

    I have some questions before I buy:

    • Is it full compatible with an iOS/Android native publishing?
    • Is there any issue with preformances on iOS/Android native games?

    Thank you!

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Member since 8 Nov, 2014

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