bgalbs's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hi!

    I have several children who are interested in learning how to program, and I’d like to get them started with Construct 3. I have a nine year-old girl, an 11 year-old boy, a 15 year-old boy, and a 17 year-old boy who are all pretty keen. The 15 year-old has some experience with Unity and GameMaker Studio 2; the rest are pretty green, with some Scratch experience perhaps.

    Anyone in the Seattle area interested in doing this in-person? Happy to pay a solid hourly rate, and ideally we could do a serious of back-to-back 1:1 sessions to maximize the learning.

    If you’re remote and interested in doing this remote, I’m open to it if I can’t find any local tutors.

    Reply here if interested and we can work out comms from there.



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Member since 5 Sep, 2022

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