krusty's Recent Forum Activity

  • Thanks, good to hear. I was wondering when c3 will be available for download?

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  • Hello, i have a couple questions regarding C3 . I was wondering if the web version will have a build service similar to phonegap build or similar that builds files for the various stores, or is this something that you are looking at ???

    Also, when do you think c3 will be available for download?

  • Hello, I would like to implement reward videos, is there a way to use the existing admob plugin? How are people doing this. Is this going to be added to the official admob plugin?

  • I am using the admob plugin to show interstitial ads. Sometimes when i close the interstitial ad the layout is reset, and all global variables are reset to default values. This reset doesn't happen every time the interstitial ad is close, it's intermittent. Is there a way to stop the layout reset?

  • that worked thanks

  • I just upgraded to version 184, and when i open my project I can not see the properties tab, I check, and the checkbox to display properties is selected, but I can 't see it. I have tried checking and unchecking the checkbox, and i can see a screen refresh or something happening, but still no properties. Anyone have suggestions on how to fix this?

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Member since 22 Oct, 2014

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