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  • tgraupmann How is this related to Intel XDK/Crosswalk? Make a new topic.

    I was replying to this post, with 60+ pages on a topic it's easy not to make the connection.

  • > I posted new documentation for an alternative way to publish on the OUYA.




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    Thanks, this is going to come in handy. Do you happen to know if this works with devices that use the OUYA store as well? I believe it was called "OUYA Everywhere", where they allow other hardware partners use their catalog of games.


    Right now this will work on the OUYA and the MadCatz Mojo.

  • I've added the IAP support in JavaScript. Now I just have to connect it into the Construct 2 plugin. Otherwise you could make it work using AJAX calls...

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  • I posted new documentation for an alternative way to publish on the OUYA.

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    As for the safe area, I've exposed the methods to JavaScript and my next step is to add actions and events so that you can manipulate the safe area and do IAP calls. I expect that I'll have events for requestProducts, requestPurchase, requestReceipts, and requestGamerInfo.

  • I posted new documentation for an alternative way to publish on the OUYA.

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    You drop an OuyaSDK object on to your layout. Make sure you used Gamepad.GetRawAxis. You can use Google Canary debug remotely from your desktop while it runs remotely on the OUYA.

  • I tried Crosswalk last night for the first time in ages. I exported a game I already have working on the OUYA console via Cocoon JS, and another game I use for controller testing (a 2 player twin stick shooter) - both to the OUYA console as I wanted to test performance and controller.

    The performance on the twin stick shooter was ok - not quite as fast as CocoonJS, but pretty good nonetheless. However the controllers (OUYA and PS3) wouldn't work properly. Both pads only controlled the movement of player 2, and neither would fire at all. (Both pads work perfectly and as intended via CocoonJS).

    The other game that I already have working on OUYA I wasn't able to get past the menu screen as neither controller would detect button presses.

    Does anyone else have any experience with the gamepad object controllers not working when exporting via Crosswalk? If you have it working how did you achieve it please?

    I posted new documentation for an alternative way to publish on the OUYA.

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    This uses OUYA-Everywhere input so it's going to support PS3, RockCandy, XBOX 360, OUYA, etc controllers and any controllers added in the future. And that's without any special gamepad handling in your Construct 2 app.

    It would be interesting to compare your performance and experiences. I'm trying to make the process as painless as possible.

    I've also added support for detecting MENU Button presses for each controller.

    I did initially have some issues with button presses when the gamepad lacked some error checking. There was a not-so-rare case where an undefined check was missing. If a button input error happened, it was completely stop the game events from happening.


  • I posted new documentation for an alternative way to publish on the OUYA.

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Member since 20 Oct, 2014

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