In Local Storage, there is no more every tick checking for item existence because in Local Storage it will be a trigger and adding Every(X) seconds on the condition will be inefficient .But without that, It should be like this..
--Without Regular every tick Item Check "Local key "Cont" exists (Efficiecnt)--
*System -> Trigger Once
--------->Local Storage -> Check Item exists("Cont")
*Local Storage -> On Item exists("Cont")
--------->System -> Set Global Variable Value "level" to LocalStorage.ItemValue
--------->Sprite -> Set Animation Frame to 1
--With Regular every tick Item Check "Local key "Cont" exists (Inefficiecnt)(Not a good idea but it is more like a WebStorage because of the regular every tick item checking)--
In this case, I rather recommend finding a new way to check if Item exists like above or use variables to check rather than this method.
*System -> Every(dt) Seconds
--------->Local Storage -> Check Item exists("Cont")
*Local Storage -> On Item exists("Cont")
--------->System -> Set Global Variable Value "level" to LocalStorage.ItemValue
--------->Sprite -> Set Animation Frame to 1