Bazbazze's Recent Forum Activity

  • Hello everyone,

    I am currently developing a golf game called "Rune Golf" and I am currently working on improving the aiming system that allows the player to visualize the power of their shot and a small preview of the direction the ball will take. The game is based on the physics behavior of Construct 3.

    Currently, my system allows for visualizing the straight-line trajectory in which the ball would travel. However, it is simply a dotted sprite indicating the direction, but it does not take the game's physics into account (meaning the dots represent the ball's trajectory as if its force were continuous and infinite).

    The problem is that I would like this dotted line to adapt to the force the player puts into their shot. The ball will indeed travel in a straight line if the shot is powerful, but it will follow a more arched trajectory if the shot is weaker. The ideal would be a dynamic trajectory preview system, similar to what Angry Birds does.

    If anyone has any ideas or suggestions on how to implement this in the game, I would be very grateful!

  • Thanks you very much lionz!

    It works great! I just had to offset the Y with something like :


    because it was checking the position on the middle of the character and not on the tile below his feets. It works very well to get the tile IDs in the ground, thanks again!

    So now I have a new problem to solve, by shifting the Y downwards, now I'm not getting the IDs of the tiles on the ceiling, if my character collides with what's above his head, and the same for lateral collisions.

    I'll think about it, but it's already very promising like that, and a big step to see that I can do something with these tile IDs!

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  • Hi everyone,

    I'm creating a 2D platformer and my levels are built with a tilemap. For the game's sound effects, I was wondering if it's possible to use the tile IDs of the tilemap (the numbers that appear for each tile in the tilemap panel) to play different sounds when my character overlap or collide with these tiles.

    For example, if my character overlaps with tile ID 4 (a tile with grass) -> play sound 1 (sound of footsteps on grass), if my character overlaps with tile ID 14 (a tile with stone) -> play sound number 2 (sound of footsteps on stone), etc...

    If anyone has any ideas, it would help me a lot! As a last resort, I was thinking of placing invisible sprites that would trigger the different sounds, but if there's a way to use the IDs of each tile, that would be perfect!


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Member since 16 Jun, 2022

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