> The code part works fine, but the color doesn't seem to be accurate.
> like how do I make everyone set as a reference to another, like it's a single variable, which controls all the colors, so if I want to change it, I'd only need to change it in 1 place
Also, you need to put an else in all the events after the First Event "Selecao = 1"
or you will have issues with multiple events triggering in the same tick like for example:
If selecao is = 4
Then all the events below will trigger:
-selecao is not equal 1
-selecao is not equal 2
-selecao is not equal 3
mm now that I'm thinking even the else it will not help if you just wanted to trigger the "is not equal 4" alone as the first "is not equal 1" will trigger first and skip the other events below, I think you will need to change the logic unless you want to trigger three of them at the same time.
What I want is to be able to change the RGB variables in just 1 field, and he can set the others, you know?
save the code in some global or instance variable, and make the menus pull this variable
so i could change my game color theme very easily
about white, I was thinking that, but I was too lazy to change the sprite fonts, but dps I do