changing screens?

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  • what is the most common way to create a system of transition between areas?

    I have the plantation area, and now I want to add the animals area

    what is the best way to do this? using layout? or..

    it ends up losing the settings..

    what is the best way to do this? bigger layout and zooming in areas?

    switch layers?

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  • if you want to stay on the same layout just use a big layout and move to a different location on the layout.

    for example in my game I have a viewport width of 854. so my layout length is 854x3 and I jump to 3 different points in the layout for different screens.

    for a transition you can fade in a black Tiled Background on the HUD(parallax 0,0) layer, then fade it out for a quick fade to the new area.

    or you show the camera scrolling to the new location, just have an invisible object with ScrollTo behavior then move/tween the object to the desired place and the camera will follow.

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